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crowing Meaning in Bengali

 কা কা শব্দ করা, অহংকার করা,

crowing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

করা মুমিন নারীদের ওপর মিথ্যা অভিযোগ দেয়া আত্মীয়তার সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করা অহংকার করা মিথ্যা সাক্ষী দেয়া মিথ্যা শপথ করা চাদাবাজি করা নিষিদ্ধ খাবার খাওয়া আল্লাহর ।

মিথ্যা বলা, আল্লাহ্‌র একত্বে অন্য কাউকে অংশীদার করা(শিরকি কাজ করা), অহংকার করা, কার্পণ্য করা, মানুষের অধিকার নষ্ট করা, জুলুম/অত্যাচার করা ইত্যাদি খারাপ ।

করা/পড়া সাধ্যমত সাহায্য করা বুক ফাটা মনোকষ্টে ভেঙ্গে পড়া বুক ফুলানো অহংকার করা বুক বাঁধা আশা করা; ধৈর্য ধরা বুক ভাঙা নিরাশ করা/হওয়া বুক শুকানো আশাভরসা ।

crowing's Usage Examples:

Roosters almost always start crowing before four months of age.

Although it is possible for a hen to crow as well, crowing (together with hackles development).

The name translates to the Dutch "Rooster crowing".

land of the jötnar, from which the rooster Fjalar is foretold to begin crowing during the onset of Ragnarok.

Crowing contests were held for the birds, and they were selectively bred for their crowing ability.

although in one modern version her escape is achieved by a rooster's crowing; in that tale the glashtin pretends to be a handsome man but is betrayed.

Long-crowing chicken breeds are characterised by the unusually long-drawn-out crow of the cocks, which may in some cases last for up to 60 seconds.

is an old Russian breed of chicken primarily selected and used for long crowing cock contests in Russia.

who, while known to his listeners for his early-morning show including a crowing rooster at sign-on and the school lunch menus in rhyme, was also the most.

It is characterised by its long-crowing abilities, with the general guideline being a crow of 20–25 seconds in.

similarly prophesied not to die by the hand of man "of woman born"; and the crowing of a cockerel at the moment the Witch-King was about to enter the city.

Poetic Edda poem Völuspá, Gullinkambi is one of the three roosters whose crowing is foretold to signify the beginning of the events of Ragnarök.

now not played on the kulintang, and of these pieces Malapankuno (cock crowing) and Mapalendad are included.

title comes from the opening line, which is invariably "Chicken's (a) crowing on Sourwood Mountain".


bragging; braggart; self-aggrandising; cock-a-hoop; proud; boastful; big; self-aggrandizing; braggy;


little; lack; inferior; understate; humble;

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