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crucifers Meaning in Bengali

পরিবার Cruciferae বিভিন্ন গাছপালা কোনো

crucifers's Usage Examples:

important family of flowering plants commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family.

habitat but the females selectively oviposit on young inflorescence of crucifers.

This article is a list of diseases of crucifers (Brassica and Raphanus spp.

compounds responsible for the natural pest-inhibiting properties of growing crucifers, such as cabbage, mustard or rape, in rotation with other crops.

commercial agriculture, they are a particular problem for growers of crucifers, grapes and vegetables that grow on vines.

While crucifers are preferred, over 160 plants can serve as hosts for the cabbage looper.

It is an occasional pest on crops, including crucifers, beets, corn and beans.

Brassicaceae or Cruciferae, also commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family.

Recorded food plants include broccoli, crucifers, head cabbage, Chinese cabbage, spoon cabbage, daikon radish, horseradish.

It infects poinsettia, lettuce, and crucifers (canola, mustard).

Pseudocercosporella capsellae is a plant pathogen infecting crucifers (canola, mustard).

calcareous outcrops with Mediterranean scrubland where the food plants, crucifers of the genus Iberis are found.

Young larvae bore into buds, stems, and stalks of crucifers and related weeds, including cabbage, turnip, beet, collard, cauliflower.

(Xcc), is considered the most important and most destructive disease of crucifers, infecting all cultivated varieties of brassicas worldwide.

valuable crucifers such as Brassica juncea, Brassica napus, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, radish, turnip and many other wild crucifers.

several crops, including alfalfa, apples, asparagus, beans, celery, cotton, crucifers, cucurbits, eggplant, potatoes, onions, soybeans, sweet corn and tomatoes.

cabbage, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli), and related crucifers such as turnips, rape, and mustard.

6′-Isoferuloylglucobrassicin The three first mentioned derivatives are as frequent in crucifers as glucobrassicin itself.

pathogen of the family Erysiphaceae, which causes the main powdery mildew of crucifers, including on Brassica crops, such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli,.

crucifers's Meaning':

any of various plants of the family Cruciferae

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