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crueller Meaning in Bengali


অকোমল, যন্ত্রণাপ্রদ, ক্রূরমতি, ক্রূর, খল, ঘাতুক, উগ্র, নির্ঘাত, নিষ্করুণ, খুনী, নিদারূণ, অকরূণ, যন্ত্রণাদায়ক, নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর,

crueller শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হিন্দু দেবী পার্বতীর এক উগ্র রূপ ।

সমালোচনা খ্রিস্টানদের কাছ থেকে এসেছিলো, নবম শতকের আগে, অনেকেই ইসলামকে একটি "উগ্র-উৎপথ" (যে কোনো ধর্ম বিষয়ে প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধ বিশ্বাস) বলে মনে করেছিলেন ।

ইসলামবিরোধী উগ্র ব্লগে লিখত নরওয়ের ।

সাধারণত তাঁকে দয়াময়ী ও উগ্র দুই রূপেই দেখা হয় ।

তিনি দেবী পার্বতীর উগ্র রূপ, তার অন্যান্য নামসমূহ ।

হিন্দুরা তাকে মহাশক্তির একটি উগ্র রূপ মনে করেন ।

এতে খল চরিত্রে অভিনয় করেন, যে চলতি পথে বিনা ভাড়ায় এক দম্পতির (বিবেক ওবেরয় ও অন্তরা মালি অভিনীত) সফরসঙ্গী হন, যাকে পরে চিত্তবিকারগ্রস্থ খুনী হিসেবে ।

crueller's Usage Examples:

The Ukrainian Christians living there were described as 10 times crueller than the German executioners by Aaron Wilf in his diaries.

Minamoto no Toshiyori     Make that heartless woman, O mountain storm     of Hatsuse Temple, crueller still!" – this is not what I prayed for, and yet .

Franco chose the crueller option which, from his point of view, was also more effective.

difference between parody and departure, which makes some of these songs seem crueller than they're intended to be.

he learns of the cruel fate in store for Tiny Tim, as well as the even crueller fate reserved for himself.

Yau Zha Gwai (Chinese : 油炸鬼) is version of the traditional Chinese crueller.

In a cruel twist of fate Kerry were the opponents and, in an even crueller twist, a late injury ruled Lynch out of a place on the starting fifteen.

Cruel, if not crueller than Alan, Roland is an opportunist with an xenophobic streak and a love.

The Bloomfields are rich and much crueller than Agnes had expected.

"We can be even crueller about the Government without getting messages from on high," he said.

Goldberry's sister Naruhel, an original character who is of a darker and crueller nature.

made their escape from the capital or were being reserved for an even crueller fate.

fled at his command, gave her ship to the wind and waves: Her brother was crueller than any ocean.

difference between playful forms of humorous interactions such as teasing, and crueller forms such as ridicule.

This is a problem for Marty, as Lily is crueller, more suspicious and far cleverer than Blackheart, who is more there for.

or You Tiao (Chinese: 油炸鬼 or 油條) - a version of the traditional Chinese crueller, which is a breakfast favourite.

though he once declares that, cruel as rulers could be, priests could be crueller still.

White's entrance; the Collector's Edition contained a Sméagol statue, with a crueller-looking statue of his Gollum persona available to order for a limited time.

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