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cryonics Meaning in Bengali

decomposing থেকে স্টপ টিস্যু করার জন্য একটি মারাত্মক অসুস্থ বা মারা ব্যক্তির জমাকৃত; শরীর সংরক্ষিত আছে যতক্ষণ না নতুন চিকিৎসা যাদুকরী বিকশিত হয় যা জীবন্ত হয়ে ব্যক্তি ফিরিয়ে আনতে পারে

cryonics's Usage Examples:

Alcor advocates for, researches, and performs cryonics, the freezing of human corpses and brains in liquid nitrogen after legal.

Cryonics Institute (CI) is an American Non Profit Foundation that provides cryonics services.

known as "the father of cryonics" because of the impact of his 1962 book The Prospect of Immortality.

the practice of cryonics, and was a board member of the cryonics organization Alcor Life Extension Foundation.

Kent became a cryonics activist while a.

If cryonics were ever perfected, it would then be a form of long-term suspended animation.

Bedford left "100,000 to cryonics research in his will, but more than this amount was utilized by Bedford's.

subjects including space engineering, space law (Moon treaty), memetics, cryonics, evolutionary psychology, and the physical limitations of Transhumanism.

Information-theoretic death is a term of art used in cryonics to define death in a way that is permanent and independent of any future medical advances.

In 1982 he contributed "20,000 to the cryonics organization Trans Time so that.

claimed to support the feasibility of cryonics.

Medical science and cryobiologists generally regards cryonics with skepticism.

life of a man born in 1925 who dies in 1988 and is re-animated after a cryonics procedure.

Cryobiology would include cryonics, the low temperature preservation of humans and mammals with the intention.

501(c)(3) organization devoted to research and education in the areas of cryonics and life extension.

cryonics's Meaning':

the freezing of a seriously ill or recently deceased person to stop tissues from decomposing; the body is preserved until new medical cures are developed that might bring the person back to life

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