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cuirassiers Meaning in Bengali

একটি ঘোড়সত্তয়ার একটি দেহবর্ম দিয়ে সজ্জিত করা


অশ্বারোহী সৈনিক, ওই ধরনের বর্মপরিহিত অশ্বারোহী সৈনিক,

cuirassiers's Usage Examples:

troops of the period were heavy cavalry, such as the gendarmes and early cuirassiers, but the infantry troops of the Swiss mercenaries and the Landsknechts.

It was also used by some heavily armoured, pistol-armed, cuirassiers into the mid 17th century.

was used to give support the Heavy Cavalry such as demi-lancers and cuirassiers.

marched to Mollet to face the rest of Duhesme forces (1,500 regulars, 160 cuirassiers and 2 cannons).

There a force of two regiments of hussars and two regiments of cuirassiers under Zieten attacked a small force of two battalions of Saxon infantry.

cuirassiers's Meaning':

a cavalryman equipped with a cuirass

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