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curing Meaning in Bengali




curing's Usage Examples:

Ham is pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking.

In brine-curing, the hides are agitated in a saltwater bath for about 16 hours.

obtained from irreversibly hardening by curing from a soft solid or viscous liquid prepolymer (resin).

Concrete must be kept moist during curing in order to achieve optimal strength and durability.

During curing hydration occurs, allowing calcium-silicate.

or curatives, and the cross-linking reaction is commonly referred to as curing.

Vulcanization can be defined as the curing of elastomers, with the terms 'vulcanization' and 'curing' sometimes used interchangeably in this context.

era, the curing of pork was necessary for the safe long-term preservation of meat.

However, the flavor imparted to the meat by the various curing processes.

are the preferred curing salts for lengthy curing and drying periods.

Nitrites are often used in foods that require a shorter curing time and are used.

Sodium nitrite is used to speed up the curing of meat and also impart an attractive colour.

Amidoamines can also serve as curing agents for epoxy resins.

Sodium nitrite is used to speed up the curing of meat and also impart an attractive pink color.

The earliest form of curing fish was dehydration.

Other methods, such as smoking fish or salt-curing also go back for thousands of years.

This process was later combined with pre-curing the food in salt or salty brine, resulting in a remarkably effective preservation.

Although nitrites are the nitrogen compound chiefly used in meat curing, nitrates are used as well.

From the salt curing process, the salted duck eggs have a briny aroma, a gelatin-like egg white.


solidifying; plastination; action; solidification; natural process; congelation; set; natural action; hardening; congealment; activity;


activation; discontinuance; inactivity; discontinuation; assembly;

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