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currawongs Meaning in Bengali

একটি ঘণ্টা মত কলের মাধ্যমে নীলাভ কালো ফলাহারী পাখি

currawongs's Usage Examples:

Although crow-like in appearance and habits, currawongs are only distantly related to true crows, and instead belong to the family.

the fruit are consumed by vertebrates such as kangaroos, possums and currawongs.

All grey currawongs have a loud distinctive ringing or clinking call.

Cracticinae), or as the only genus in that family (with the butcherbirds, currawongs, and allies placed in a separate family, Cracticidae).

Artaminae (with one genus containing the woodswallows) and Cracticinae (currawongs, butcherbirds and the Australian magpie).

(Aegithinidae), vangas (Vangidae) and the Australian butcherbirds, magpies, currawongs and woodswallows (Artamidae).

currawong lineage diverged from a common ancestor of the grey and pied currawongs (though sampling was limited and not the focus of the study).

Historically, the cracticines – currawongs, Australian magpie and butcherbirds – were seen as a separate family Cracticidae.

(Sericornis magnirostris), spotted pardalotes (Pardalotus punctatus), pied currawongs (Strepera graculina), striated thornbills (Acanthiza lineata) and white-browed.

The fruit are consumed by vertebrates such as kangaroo, possums and currawongs.

they belong to the family Artamidae, which also includes butcherbirds, currawongs and the Australian magpie.

Other birds in the same family include the Australian magpie, the currawongs, woodswallows and other members of the butcherbird genus Cracticus.

was the relationship between the Australian magpie, butcherbirds and currawongs in the family Cracticidae, now sunk as a subfamily into Artamidae.

are eaten and scattered by vertebrates, such as kangaroos, possums, and currawongs and other large birds.

increased exposure of the ground-nesting petrels and predation by pied currawongs and Australian ravens.

(Pisonia umbellifera) which immobilised birds; (b) predation by pied currawongs (Strepera graculina) and (c) habitat degradation caused by grazing of.

Its bird population includes honeyeaters, currawongs, crimson rosellas, thornbills, kookaburras, ravens, grey fantails, eastern.

anti-predator strategies, but nestlings can be taken by snakes, kookaburras, currawongs, or cats.

currawongs's Meaning':

bluish black fruit-eating bird with a bell-like call

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