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cuspidal Meaning in Bengali

cusps বা পয়েন্ট থাকার



cuspidal's Usage Examples:

In geometry, a pinch point or cuspidal point is a type of singular point on an algebraic surface.

cuspidal representations are certain representations of algebraic groups that occur discretely in L 2 {\displaystyle L^{2}} spaces.

The term cuspidal.

In mathematics, a cuspidal cubic or semicubical parabola is an algebraic plane curve that has an implicit equation of the form y 2 − a 2 x 3 = 0 {\displaystyle.

In mathematics, Eichler cohomology (also called parabolic cohomology or cuspidal cohomology) is a cohomology theory for Fuchsian groups, introduced by Eichler (1957).

This includes Rankin–Selberg products for cuspidal automorphic representations of general linear groups.

In representation theory, a branch of mathematics, θ10 is a cuspidal unipotent complex irreducible representation of the symplectic group Sp4 over a finite.

A common example of an eigenform, and the only non-cuspidal eigenforms, are the Eisenstein series.

representations of a general linear group over a local field in terms of cuspidal representations.

Ridge lines correspond to cuspidal edges on the focal surface.

n-dimensional complex representations of LF and, in the local case, the cuspidal automorphic representations of GLn(AF), where AF denotes the adeles of.

Langlands then generalized these to automorphic cuspidal representations, which are certain infinite dimensional irreducible representations.

When the surface has a ridge the focal surface has a cuspidal edge, three such edges pass through an elliptical umbilic and only one.

{\displaystyle f} is cuspidal at the cusp c {\displaystyle c} if f ′ {\displaystyle f'} is cuspidal at infinity.

If f {\displaystyle f} is cuspidal at every cusp.

Kirillov model, depending on whether the irreducible representation is cuspidal, special, or principal.

representations in general are to be constructed by parabolic induction of cuspidal representations.

cuspidal's Meaning':

having cusps or points


angular; cuspate; cuspated; angulate; cuspidate; cuspidated; cusped;


rounded; round; pointless; cycloid; amygdaliform;

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