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cymes Meaning in Bengali

বেশী বা কম ফুলের ফ্ল্যাট শীর্ষস্থানে ক্লাস্টার যা কেন্দ্রীয় বা টার্মিনাল ফুল প্রথম প্রর্দশিত

cymes's Usage Examples:

raceme in which the single flowers are replaced by cymes is called a (indefinite) thyrse.

The secondary cymes can be of any of the different types of dichasia.

(but actually mostly cryptically unisexual) flowers borne in panicles, cymes, spikes, or clusters.

inflorescences that have a coiling shape, at least when new, called scorpioid cymes.

distinctive characteristic of the plant on them: clusters or cymes at the top.

These cymes consist of branches that have small egg-shaped seed capsules.

are usually in cymes, inflorescences of the second order, in pseudumbels, on dichotomously branched stalks or in so-called simple cymes which consist of.

Each spathe houses either one or two scorpioid cymes, with the upper cyme being either vestigial or bearing from one to several.

densiflorum is Latin, meaning "densely flowered", referring to the many-flowered cymes.

flowers are yellow, with 4–5 petals, about 1 cm diameter, and borne in cymes.

the family have bisexual flowers, usually small flowers, single, or in cymes, with two to five overlapping petals.

The flowers are solitary or in axillary cymes, usually white, with five small petals.

The flowers are produced in cymes of several together, the individual flowers about 2 cm diameter, yellow.

The flowers are solitary or in small cymes, with four or five green sepals and an equal number of white petals; the.

Flat panicles of white flowers (cymes to 3–7 in (8–18 cm) wide) appear in summer, followed by globose black fruit.

The flowers grow in several axillary cymes, simple or branched, or are clustered at the end.

[citation needed] Paniculate or corymbose cymes; bracts minute, nonmodified; fruits globose or subglobose, white, blue,.

A hardy annual growing to 50 cm (20 in), it has hairy leaves and cymes of sky-blue flowers in late summer.

minute green flowers that form at the leaf axils in the form of fascicles or cymes.

The flowers are produced in large cymes at the top of the stems; the flower corolla has 5–12 lobes, colored pink.

The flowers are bisexual, regular, solitary or borne in cymes; they usually have five, sometimes three, petals (Lechea).

4–8 mm diameter, each with four purplish-brown petals; 10-30 are in loose cymes.

cymes's Meaning':

more or less flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the central or terminal flower opens first


inflorescence; cymule; scorpioid cyme; glomerule;



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