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dabchicks Meaning in Bengali

ছোট ইউরোপীয় একধরনের ছোটো ডুবুরি পাখি

dabchicks's Usage Examples:

Biota recorded include dabchicks, shells, a large freshwater mussel population, freshwater sponges (common).

Inland wetlands provide refuge for pukeko, crake and New Zealand dabchicks.

little ringed plover, yellow wagtail, ring ouzel, wheatear, chiffchaff and dabchicks.

uncommon birds such as the wood pigeon, Nilgiri pipit and 15 types of dabchicks.

The place is also known for its 165 species of butterflies, 15 types of dabchicks, wood pigeon and the Nilgiri pipit.

Indian moorhen, black-winged stilts, purple moorhens, warblers, coots and dabchicks have been spotted in large numbers in the marshland.

Black swan, shoveler, mallards, and dabchicks live on the lake, and kingfishers, pukeko, harriers, kererū, and welcome.

day-to-day dramas of nesting birds including pied flycatchers, barn owls and dabchicks.

stork, white ibis, grey heron, night heron, cormorants, darters, egrets, dabchicks, pelicans, great pelicans, glossy ibis and moorhen, making it a bird watchers'.

dabchicks's Meaning':

small European grebe

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