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deadlocks Meaning in Bengali


অচল অবস্থা,

deadlocks শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

১৯১৮ সালের নভেম্বরে অভ্যন্তরীণ বিপ্লব, যুদ্ধের অচল অবস্থা, বুলগেরিয়াও অটোম্যান সাম্রাজ্যের শান্তির জন্য মামলা, অস্ট্রিয়া-হাঙ্গেরির ।

সাধারণত কোনো সংযুক্ত স্টেশন এ ধরনের অচল অবস্থা টের পায় ।

এই অচল অবস্থা তিন দিন চলার পর ২৭শে সেপ্টেম্বর প্রতিষ্ঠানটির মার্কেটিং অ্যান্ড কমিউনিকেশন্স ।

deadlocks's Usage Examples:

Using locks that block processes, 2PL may be subject to deadlocks that result from the mutual blocking of two or more transactions.

However, deadlocks arising from the equal number of members from the Republican and Democrat.

Transaction-processing systems are designed to detect these deadlocks when they occur.

Distributed deadlocks can occur in distributed systems when distributed transactions or concurrency control is being used.

Distributed deadlocks can be detected.

Reliability: Find deadlocks and memory errors that cause lockups ' crashes Security: Find memory and.

Council in what is knows as a double dissolution in order to resolve deadlocks between the two Houses.

A number of strategies can be used to avoid or recover from deadlocks or livelocks, both at design-time and at run-time.

In addition, locking based global deadlocks are resolved automatically in a CO based multi-database environment, a.

defeated when it tried to pass a bill establishing a procedure for resolving deadlocks between the two Houses.

Section 57 of the Constitution of Australia concerns how deadlocks between the two houses of the Commonwealth Parliament—the House of Representatives.

The reasons for joint meetings have included: to resolve deadlocks between the Houses following a double dissolution to fill casual vacancies.

This approach may be used in dealing with deadlocks in concurrent programming if they are believed to be very rare and the.

giving the mayor a vote on the more powerful City Council (except to break deadlocks).

legislature with 350 members, reduced to 349 in 1976 to avoid parliamentary deadlocks.

routing is a routing algorithm for mesh-family of topologies which avoids deadlocks by restricting the types of turns that are allowed in the algorithm while.

caused by the original provisions: legislative corruption and electoral deadlocks.

suggested that the number of MPs should be expanded to 19, to prevent future deadlocks.

Fortunately, deadlocks are sometimes not Strict Locked on, so overcomeablity at all the time.


impasse; dead end; situation; standstill; stalemate;


acceptance; exclusion; equilibrium; inclusion; disequilibrium;

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