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debase Meaning in Bengali

 অপকৃষ্ট করা, হীনমুল্য করা, হীনচরিত্র করা, খাদ মেশান, খাদ মেশানো, হীন করা, খাটো করা, অবমূল্যায়ন করা, হেয় করা,


খাদ মেশান, হীনচরিত্র করা, হীনমুল্য করা, অপকৃষ্ট করা,

debase শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যেমন, কোনো একটি সংকরে যদি ১৪ ভাগ সোনা এবং ১০ ভাগ খাদ মেশানো হয় তাহলে প্রাপ্ত সোনাকে বলে ১৪-ক্যারেট সোনা, ১৮ ভাগ সোনা ও ৬ ভাগ খাদ ।

সমস্যায় থাকা পুরুষেরা এমন একজন যৌন সঙ্গীকে কামনা করেন যে হীন বা যাকে হীনমুল্য করা হয়েছে (বেশ্যা) কারণ তিনি কোন সম্মানিত সঙ্গী তার প্রাপ্য এটা তিনি মনে ।

debase's Usage Examples:

A debasement of coinage is the practice of lowering the intrinsic value of coins, especially when used in connection with commodity money, such as gold.

Starting around 1621, city-states in the Holy Roman Empire began to heavily debase currency in order to raise revenue for the Thirty Years' War, as effective.

Spanish-controlled America, which, coupled with the Ming government's decision to debase copper coinage, greatly increased the price of silver.

also used in other contexts to refer to a job or profession that seems to debase the employee or to treat him or her as a source of entertainment rather.

1789 was a monetary crisis of the early United States that was caused by debasement and loss of confidence in copper coins that occurred under the presidency.

Coin debasement is the act of decreasing the amount of precious metal in a coin, while continuing to circulate it at face value.

Britain concerning the adulteration of coffee, which made it illegal to debase coffee.

like covers albums" but that "I'm not trying to better the originals or debase their talent .

Pope argues that humanity should make a study of itself, and not debase the spiritual essence of the world with earthly science, since the two are.

Council's most radical member, calling on workers, for instance, not to 'debase the revolution to a movement for wages,' since that would merely ameliorate.

phantasise about entering the primal good object (the good breast) and debase the good object specifically because it is good.

beyond this, the fetish can require that the cuckquean be humiliated or debased.

in the state's interests "to 'forbid a policy calculated to exclude or debase Chinese immigration.

This man chose to debase that, to debase that commodity that is so essential in gathering information in.

Throughout the early 1850s, Congress debated numerous proposals which would debase silver coinage to overvalue silver and stem the out-flow of the metal from.

This was used in many countries that used coins from precious metals and they would debase the coins.

anything that belongs to it or, in the case it has been seized, to keep it, debase it, or cause any torment to it.

That its effect upon society is to debase and blunt the finer sensibilities, and thereby increases the disposition.

was "not structured to make a coordinated attack on the pollutants which debase the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land that grows our food.


doctor; corrupt; extend; stretch; load; sophisticate; spoil; dilute; water down; adulterate; doctor up;


stiffen; disinfect; validate; elate; encourage;

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