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decasyllable Meaning in Bengali

 দশটি শব্দাংশবিশিষ্ট কাব্য পংক্তি বা শব্দ,

আয়াত লাইন দশ সিলাবল থাকার


দশটি শব্দাংশবিশিষ্ট কাব্য-পংক্তি বা শব্দ,

decasyllable's Usage Examples:

penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octosyllabic, as opposed to the traditional decasyllable, which does occur in his chansons "Pré ne vergier ne boscaige foillu".

hendecasyllables, followed by an Alcaic enneasyllable and an Alcaic decasyllable.

The poem comprises 1,888 decasyllable verses in assonanced laisses.

The poem comprises more than 6000 rhymed decasyllable verses grouped into laisses.

around 1700 which contains the earliest records of the heroic songs in decasyllable verse (Serbian: deseterac).

The poem comprises 1,486 decasyllable verses in 57 assonanced laisses; there is no shorter syllable lines (found.

sublimaram In Portuguese, the hendecasyllable meter is often called "decasyllable" (decassílabo), even when the work in question uses overwhelmingly feminine.

comprises 4,708 verses grouped into 122 rhymed laisses; the verses are all decasyllables except for a short six syllable line at the end of each laisse (a similar.

Bećarac uses a strict form of couplet in decasyllable, always sung to the same music, played by a tamburitza orchestra or just.

meter (poetry) hexasyllable - 6 syllable line decasyllable - 10 syllable line hendecasyllable - 11 syllable line dodecasyllable.

literature, though in earlier literature – such as the chanson de geste – the decasyllable grouped in laisses took precedence.

octosyllable decasyllable hendecasyllable dodecasyllable Diccionario de la lengua española © 2005.

less complete manuscripts and two short fragments) comprises 10,553 decasyllable verses grouped in 91 assonanced laisses.

hexasyllable, octosyllable, decasyllable, and hendecasyllable — lines of 6, 8, 10, and 11 syllables, respectively.

historical events to the accompaniment of this instrument, usually in the decasyllable meter.

("Beowulf spoke, son of Ecgtheow") and in the junacki deseterac (heroic decasyllable) of the demonstrably oral poetry of the Serbs: a besjedi od Orasca Tale.

The original text, written in rhymed decasyllables, is preserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF).

(1973), author George MacDonald Fraser concludes a final scene with a decasyllable quatrain pastiche in Flecker’s style.

Anapaest Dactyl Dactylic pentameter Decasyllable Hendecasyllable Ragale Systems of scansion Trochee The Ants Go Marching.

decasyllable's Meaning':

a verse line having ten syllables

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