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decenniums Meaning in Bengali

10 বছর একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের

decenniums's Usage Examples:

During the first decenniums most species reflected the nature of the Soviet Union, and later the zoo.

decenniums's Meaning':

a period of 10 years


1960s; 1750s; 1950s; forties; time period; 1820s; yr; eighties; 1760s; 1830s; period of time; seventies; sixties; fifties; 1940s; twenties; decade; 1890s; 1790s; 1880s; 1970s; 1930s; thirties; 1780s; nineties; decennary; period; century; 1870s; 1860s; 1980s; 1920s; 1530s; 1770s; 1990s; year; 1840s; 1850s; twelvemonth; 1900s;


overtime; work time; downtime; regulation time; day;

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