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decouples Meaning in Bengali

সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন বা আলাদা

decouples's Usage Examples:

The active object design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation for objects that each reside in their own thread of control.

obtained as an effective theory of NS5-branes in the limit in which gravity decouples.

The pressuron takes its name from the fact that it decouples from matter in pressure-less regimes, allowing the scalar-tensor theory.

Virtualization is an abstraction layer that decouples hardware from operating systems.

WinUI 3 decouples the WinRT XAML framework from the operating system as a separate package.

is called an affine Toda field theory (after the component of φ which decouples is removed) and if it is hyperbolic, it is called a hyperbolic Toda field.

It decouples authentication mechanisms from application protocols, in theory allowing.

Soft SUSY breaking decouples the origin of supersymmetry breaking from its phenomenological consequences.

The iterator pattern decouples algorithms from containers; in some cases, algorithms are necessarily.

AppScale decouples app logic from its service ecosystem to give developers and cloud administrators.

The CALM architecture is based on an IPv6 convergence layer that decouples applications from the communication infrastructure.

cell), cold-cathode water vapor discharge tube for use in radar systems, decouples the transmitter from the antenna while not operating, to prevent it from.

responsibility of another Under Secretary of Defense; this separation of function decouples the technology development of a working prototype system, even the systems.

This approach decouples the domain model (Java) from the service interface (input and output XML.

locking, unlocking, and polling for locks), and decouples event and thread scheduling from application logic.

Multi-script framework, which decouples C API and actual external/internal encoding.

A network virtualization platform decouples the hardware plane from the software plane such that the host hardware plane can be administratively programmed.

In computer science, memory virtualization decouples volatile random access memory (RAM) resources from individual systems in the data centre, and then.

User virtualization decouples a user's profile, settings and data from the operating system and stores.

MDP is essentially a middleware protocol that decouples the technical details of how delivery occurs from the business logic that.

decouples's Meaning':

disconnect or separate


do away with; get rid of; extinguish; eliminate;


join; stay; attach; unite; common;

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