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decoying Meaning in Bengali

decoying's Usage Examples:

In chess, decoying is the tactic of ensnaring a piece, usually the king or queen, by forcing it to move to a poisoned square with a sacrifice on that square.

A sonar decoy is a device for decoying sonar.

A flare goes through three main stages: ignition, deployment, and decoying.

The practice of decoying is essentially little different from the profession of celebrity lookalike.

capture methods include: khedda, byle shikar, snaring, pit method, and decoying by using a female koonki to lure a male elephant.

Spoofing, or decoying, is the practice of inundating online networks with bogus or incomplete files of the same name in an effort to reduce copyright infringement.

The system is capable of detecting, confusing, diverting and decoying the incoming torpedoes.

Nevertheless, the FXR countermeasure proved to be highly effective in decoying German acoustic torpedoes.

This makes for very dramatic hunting scenarios where a decoying bird comes extremely close to the hunter and boat.

This makes for dramatic hunting scenarios where a decoying bird comes extremely close to the hunter and boat.

This tactic is also referred to in chess literature as a decoying sacrifice.

A traditional legendary trope is that of wreckers deliberately decoying ships on to coasts using tricks, especially false lights, so that they.

stratagems which the ladies of pleasure make use of for the intreaguing and decoying of men interwoven with several pleasant stories of the misses ingenious.

Hartlepool, Grimsby and Dover, some operating with Q-ships which were decoying U-boats.

Common elements included the decoying of some or all of the blockading Royal Navy fleets away from the Channel.


fisherman"s lure; stool pigeon; bait; device; trap; ground bait; lure; chum; fish lure;


free; undercharge; divide; divided; square shooter;

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