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decumbent Meaning in Bengali

 ভূতলশায়ী, শয়ান, ভূমিশায়ী,

শায়িত; সান্ত্বনা বা বিশ্রামের অবস্থানে



decumbent শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

জাতীয়তাবাদের প্রতীকরূপে, জার্মান গোষ্ঠী-সর্দারকে আহ্বান করছে, যেখানে ভূতলশায়ী বীরদের চারটি করব অর্ধোন্মুক্ত; নির্দেশ করছে তাদের আত্মার চিরমুক্তির ।

decumbent's Usage Examples:

Dark green decumbent to spreading vines bear oblong to long, slightly flattened, purplish-red-skinned.

It has a decumbent or erect habit, growing up to 50 cm in height.

Solidago curtisii, commonly called Curtis' goldenrod and mountain decumbent goldenrod, is a North American species of flowering plants in the sunflower.

It grows decumbent or erect to a maximum height near 60 centimeters.

Erect when young, this plant later becomes decumbent as it lies down, and branches regularly.

Their rhizomes are thick and decumbent to erect.

Stems are decumbent, to 40 cm long, with blue-green leaves divided into leaflets with oval.

The decumbent shrub usually blooms between September and November producing yellow flowers.

"cone-shaped" because the ray florets tend to point out and down (are decumbent) as the flower head opens.

Some are endemic to California General form ranges from decumbent to erect, with leaves either pinnately lobed or compound; the lobes or.

Persicaria punctatagrows from a rhizome and produces decumbent or erect stems which may just exceed one meter (40 cm) in length.

are densely hairy annual and perennial herbs often growing prostrate or decumbent, along the ground in patches or clumps.

The decumbent shrub typically blooms in October producing yellow flowers.

The stems are prostrate or decumbent.

The plant is variable, growing decumbent or erect, small and tufted or up to 60 centimeters tall, hairless to woolly.

It is a rhizomatous perennial herb producing a decumbent or upright stem 40 to 60 centimeters in maximum height.

The prostrate or decumbent shrub typically grows to a height of 0.

compact mat-forming perennial herb growing in cushions or patches of short, decumbent stems.

It is an annual herb producing spreading, decumbent stems up one meter long.

Cakile species grow as annual plants with an erect or decumbent stem.

decumbent's Meaning':

lying down; in a position of comfort or rest


unerect; accumbent; recumbent;


erect; semi-erect; upright; rampant;

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