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defeasance Meaning in Bengali

 বাতিলকরণ, বিলোপসাধন

defeasance শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তারা মহা অশুভ ও মহা অসুরদেরও বিলোপসাধন করেন, যখন অন্যান্য দেবতাগণ এমনকি ত্রিমূর্তিও তা করতে ব্যর্থ হন ।

তার মতে 'যুদ্ধের উদ্দেশ্য হলও যুদ্ধের বিলোপসাধন' ।

স্বেচ্ছায় বিলোপসাধন: সদস্যদের স্বেচ্ছায় বিলোপসাধন পাওনাদার কর্তৃক স্বেচ্ছায় বিলোপসাধন আদালতের তত্ত্বাবধানে স্বেচ্ছায় বিলোপসাধন

৮. সমাধি ধ্যেয়ের সঙ্গে চৈতন্যের বিলোপসাধন

defeasance's Usage Examples:

, provides for that action's execution subject to defeasance by the condition's falsity, which falsity (i.

A recognizance is subject to a "defeasance"; that is, the obligation will be avoided if person bound does some particular.

there can be no prepayment of the loan) which they can be subject to defeasance, yield maintenance and prepayment penalties to protect bondholders.

sign judgment in an action against the debtor for the sum due, with a defeasance—a clause that the warrant shall not be put into force in case of due payment.

do-while loop provides for the action's ongoing execution subject to defeasance by the condition's falsity, which falsity (i.

contingent; if the condition is subsequent, the interest is vested, subject to defeasance.

of penal bond was the penal bond with conditional defeasance.

A penal bond with conditional defeasance combined in one document the bond (the promise to.

historically significant type of penal bond, the penal bond with conditional defeasance, printed the bond (the obligation to pay) on the front of the document.

usually refers to Middle English law of contracts, where a condition of defeasance is a clause that can invalidate or annul a contract or deed.

It was said, there was no promise of a defeasance.

of proprietary interest as a fixed chargee, but one that is subject to defeasance or overreaching by permitted dealings by the chargor with the charged.

Simpson, The penal bond with conditional defeasance (1966) 82 LQR 392, 418-419 Sloman v Walter (1783) 1 Bro CC 418, at 419.

charter) in fee or for years to the lender; (2) an indenture or bond (the defeasance) reciting the loan and providing that if it was repaid the land would.

building, a request which would have cost the company over "116 million in defeasance costs.

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