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defoliators Meaning in Bengali

একটি পোকা যে প্লান্ট থেকে পাতার রেখাচিত্রমালা

defoliators's Usage Examples:

They are defoliators of oaks.

The larvae are serious defoliators of Anthocephalus cadamba, but have also been recorded feeding on Adina.

Thaumetopoea species, for example Thaumetopoea pityocampa, are lepidopteran defoliators experiencing an expansion range towards higher latitudes and altitudes.

The larvae are important defoliators of Quercus species in the state of Querétaro, Mexico.

They are one of the most important defoliators in the tropical and subtropical regions of the western hemisphere that.

feed on Pinus contorta and is considered one of the most destructive defoliators of lodgepole pine forests.

They are major pests on mangroves and considered as severe defoliators.

Some species are known as defoliators of coffee plants (Rubiaceae).

They are defoliators of coffee plants (Rubiaceae) and the species are difficult to determine.

They are solitary defoliators.

They are probably solitary defoliators.

"Major hardwood defoliators of the Eastern United States".

Lymantria means "destroyer", and several species are important defoliators of forest trees, including the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar, the Douglas-fir.

Well-known defoliators include: the saddled prominent (Heterocampa guttivita), poplar defoliator.

example, are leaf-cutting ants and Lepidopteran (moth and butterfly) defoliators.

are difficult to place in other groups Alsophilinae – a few genera, defoliators of trees, might belong in the Ennominae, tribe Boarmiini March moth,.

Clones Evaluation of management tools for the control of poplar leaf defoliators (Lepidoptera: notodontidae) in northwestern India Ovipositional preference.

Young larvae skeletonise leaflets, while older larvae are defoliators.

defoliators's Meaning':

an insect that strips the leaves from plants

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