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deigns Meaning in Bengali

 প্রসন্ন হত্তয়া,

যে এক একজনের মর্যাদা নিচে হতে বিবেচনায় কিছু করতে


প্রসন্ন হত্তয়া,

deigns's Usage Examples:

Everywhere the goddess then deigns to visit, she is met with celebration, hospitality, and peace.

king, the title often remained vacant for several years, until the King deigns to appoint a new vice-king.

Miss Julie, the inexperienced but imperious daughter of the manor, deigns to dance at the servants' party.

It is a season of rejoicing, and festivity reigns wherever she deigns to go and be received.

and the appointment of designer Sir Jonathan Ive, drawing heavily on the deigns of Dieter Rams for Braun, and infusing them with vibrant color and translucent.

Or otherwise, The Lord surely foreknew His mercies with which He deigns to deliver us.

Greene deigns to praise the starring acting of Constance Bennett, however he attributes.

stunner, one of the all-time finest odes to a subject pop music hardly ever deigns sexy enough to address: long-term monogamy.

brighter than the sun He glows / With shining face and bright array / Christ deigns to manifest today / What glory shall be theirs above / who joy in God with.

He or she gets by with wits and rarely deigns to hold a job.

his senses, Ralph sends Smith after the litter; when the real Catherine deigns to reply to her lover's serenade he is gone.

just resentments against the iniquitous Spaniards, our magnanimity still deigns itself to open, for the last time, a route to conciliation and friendship;.

They created kinship between anyone who deigns to get involved".

Tamsin (1999), the pooka appears as an untamed, untrustworthy being who deigns to assist the protagonist Jenny.

"Some Rap Songs is the rare album by an immensely talented lyricist who deigns not to pull out any fireworks, opting to sink into the cushion's of a therapist's.

whose job is to walk in the tracks of corporate leaders, and who, when he deigns to look at labour, does it through the eyes of corporate leaders.

the Transcend, on the off-chance that one of the "Powers" that live there deigns to communicate, but has no connections with the Slow Zone, as FTL communication.

summon greatly weakens her, and in order to regain her former power she deigns to join up with the player's party.

Aldonza fends them off sarcastically ("It's All The Same"), but eventually deigns to accept their leader, Pedro, who pays in advance.

deigns's Meaning':

do something that one considers to be below one's dignity


move; condescend; act; descend;


refrain; rise; recede; ascend; ride;

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