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deliberating Meaning in Bengali

 ভাবা, চিন্তান্বিত হত্তয়া, অনুধ্যান করা, অনুধাবন করা, উদ্ভাবন করা, কল্পনা করা, ধারণা করা, ভাবিয়া স্থির করা, বিচার করা, বিবেচনা করা, গণ্য করা, প্রত্যাশা করা, বোঝা, বিচার বিবেচনা করা, আলোড়ন করা, আলোড়িত করা,


আলোড়িত করা, আলোড়ন করা, বোঝা, বিচার -বিবেচনা করা, প্রত্যাশা করা, গণ্য করা, বিবেচনা করা, বিচার করা, ভাবা, ভাবিয়া স্থির করা, ধারণা করা, কল্পনা করা, উদ্ভাবন করা, অনুধাবন করা, অনুধ্যান করা, চিন্তান্বিত হত্তয়া,


ধীর, জ্ঞানকৃত, সতর্ক, স্বেচ্ছাকৃত, সুচিন্তিত, ইচ্ছাকৃত,

deliberating's Usage Examples:

[citation needed] The Mayor also plays a functional role in deliberating over the discussions in the Corporation.

representing and upholding the dignity of the city and a functional role in deliberating over the discussions in the corporation.

Later in the game, when the crowd barracked Barnes for deliberating over a field setting, he threw the ball down in disgust and refused to.

anticipating future emotions and those immediately experienced while deliberating and deciding.

having made several negotiations to sign him previously, are still deliberating a deal for him "منتديات كووورة".

After deliberating for over a month, and after threats that his brother would otherwise.

Simpson murder case and the sequestered jury deliberating a case with strong racial overtones and divisive social implications.

Law indicates that the functions of special committees are to include deliberating on bills and proposals received from the Presidium and Standing Committee.

functions of the Council of Five Hundred, but its role consisted only of deliberating projected laws before their adoption by the Corps législatif, with the.

Situationist René Viénet as "essentially an uninterrupted general assembly, deliberating day and night.

After deliberating, the jury reported that it had unanimously voted to acquit on the charges.

Consequently, BDI agents are able to balance the time spent on deliberating about plans (choosing what to do) and executing those plans (doing it).

Even as some major Western European communities were deliberating joining non-Orthodox movements in the post WWII period, the strong rabbinical.

The Mayor also plays a functional role in deliberating over the discussions in the Corporation.

Chester Russell played one of the jurors and can be seen when the jury is deliberating in the opening courthouse scenes.

By tradition, when the justices are in conference deliberating the outcome of cases before the Supreme Court, the justices state their.

ceremonial pipe-hatchet was passed around and smoked in council when deliberating important tribal matters.

conscious processing to the task outperform both those who can spend time deliberating and those who must respond immediately.

Georgia accused Russia of bombing the area and deliberating starting a fire using incendiary devices, describing it as an ecocide.

It is "the top representative body deliberating matters of general concern to the entire Arab community and making binding.


careful; measured; unhurried;


agree; relevant; uncontroversial; hurried;

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