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demonstratively Meaning in Bengali

demonstratively's Usage Examples:

is the lifestyle of a wealthy man with ample time for leisure, who demonstratively is a bon vivant who appreciates the pleasures of the world, especially.

can be seen carried forward in Christian churches and is still most demonstratively present in Eastern Orthodox churches where the iconostasis divides.

David Robinson was whistled for a foul on the play, and Arapović demonstratively hung on the rim for several moments before giving the cheering crowd.

or simply RIFA), but is now recognized as its own species with a demonstratively different range and living habits.

the first round on Wednesday, competitors playing behind Middlecoff demonstratively complained of his slow play.

the Lausanne players refused to resume the game and they sat down demonstratively on the pitch.

even if the test supervisor plugs off the cables of loudspeaker 1 demonstratively.

the science of deduction and the Posterior Analytics is the second demonstratively practical part.

According to art historian Sergiusz Michalski, "Schnarrenberger almost demonstratively refrains from portraying an emotional link between the persons in the.

players subsequently refused to resume the game and they sat down demonstratively on the pitch.

Constructed as a demonstratively modern Art Deco building of glass, wood and ferro-concrete, it was.

(a mouthwash brand), in Dresden, to which other organisations were demonstratively not invited.

rich) Grammatically, this could be seen as a way for the speaker to be demonstratively re-narrating the event (the insult) back to the listener in order for.

tradition is rarely practiced today, with the exception of a handful of demonstratively patriotic citizens who have vowed never to forget the Arad incident.

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