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demurral Meaning in Bengali

demurral's Usage Examples:

For the glossator, Jonah's pro-Israel motivations correspond to Christ's demurral in the Garden of Gethsemane ("My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice.

ISBN 0-7007-1720-X Text of demurral to Pres.

Wagner attempted to borrow 2,000 thalers from Hiller; Hiller’s apparent demurral did not however prevent Wagner recommending Hiller in June to the Dresden.

(and in derived terms) /ɜː/ turn, occur, curdle, burr furry, demurral, blurred, recurring /ʌ/ recurrent, occurrence /ʊ(ə)/ langur before r +.

did not favour his father's policies or ministry, praise for him was a demurral.

correct Charles's bargain was, but Oroonoko can be seen as a royalist's demurral.

” Hoover asked for a fuller explanation but got only Ocasio-Cortez’s demurral that she was “not the expert on geopolitics on this issue.

delay", from mora "a pause, delay" demur, demure, demurrable, demurrage, demurral, demurrer, mora, moratorium, remora, remorate mor- custom, disposition.

views so openly, though two or three other articles also accept without demurral the disenfranchisement and ostracization of Jews, as some contributors.

" Rockwell responded with another demurral but this time did include his fee for a portrait, saying "I think I should.

monticell- †monticulus monticul- mora mor- delay demur, demure, demurrage, demurral, moratorium morbus morb- sickness morbid, morbidity mors mort- death immortal.

demurral's Meaning':


demur; objection; demurrer;



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