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demurs Meaning in Bengali

 গম্ভীর করা, বিনয়ী করা,


বিনয়ী করা, গম্ভীর করা,

demurs's Usage Examples:

The Yazawin Thit chronicle demurs, conspicuously omitting her specific rank.

issue to parliament (the 1529 "Reformation Parliament"), but the gentleman demurs, alluding to Simon Fish's A Supplicacyon for the Beggers and Thomas More's.

rational grounds, while Evans, who regards the Osirians as sentimentalists, demurs.

"occasionally frightening, always amusing and sometimes unforgettable," Langford demurs, calling them "occasionally amusing but not very.

demands to know its business the Spirit replies, "Your welfare!" As Scrooge demurs that he would rather benefit from a good night's sleep the Spirit responds.

This group are overrated your correspondent demurs .

of plebeians, inspired by Rienzi's speeches, offers Rienzi the crown; he demurs, insisting that he wishes only to be a Tribune of the Roman people.

Cregan demurs, but the unwitting Mrs.

When Pip demurs, claiming he has not eaten for centuries, Rocky shoots him several times.

But when Token demurs at this, Cartman assumes that he is shy and decides to play matchmaker.

Nickerson, writing for Library Journal demurs, stating that while "Percy's halting progress across three primitive kingdoms.

If the King demurs or 30 days pass without royal assent, the bill is sent back to Parliament.

after a number of his previous business ventures have failed, his wife demurs.

The Great Gatsby, which they wanted to do when they first met, but Tom demurs.

pressure on Zellman to evict them: Zellman puts pressure on Tiffen; Tiffen demurs at the use of violence, but four armed teens are sent and the squatters.

Leonard Gillespie (Lionel Barrymore), Kildare's crusty mentor, also demurs, Mary reveals her fears that they are hiding from her some hereditary condition.

Falco demurs, and says someone who is more of a daredevil than he would have to perform.


except; object;


include; approve; prosecution;

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