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denarius Meaning in Bengali


denarius's Usage Examples:

The denarius (Latin: [deːˈnaːriʊs], pl.

, the Arabic dinar (from the denarius coin), the British pound and Mexican peso (both translations of the Roman.

The word "dinar" derives from the silver "denarius" coin of ancient Rome, first minted about 211 BCE.

a value that was useful for commerce because it was one quarter of a denarius, a coin worth ten asses.

asses (4/5 of a sestertius or 1/5 of a denarius during the Republic and 1/2 of a sestertius or 1/8 of a denarius during the time of Augustus).

This system was dominated by the silver denarius, a denomination which remained in circulation for 450 years.

The aureus was about the same size as the denarius, but heavier due to the higher density of gold (as opposed to that of silver).

at half a denarius.

The quinarius was struck for a few years, along with the silver sestertius, following the introduction of the denarius in 211 BC.

It was silver, similar to the denarius except that it was slightly larger and featured the emperor wearing a radiate.

At about the same time a silver coin, the denarius, was also introduced.

of about 3/4 of a denarius, however when the quinarius was reintroduced in 101 BC with a similar type, it was valued at 1/2 a denarius.

The denier (Latin: denarius; abbr.

Borrowed from the Carolingian denarius (hence its former abbreviation d.

denarius = 10 as, quinarius = 5 as, sestercius = 2.

The denarius (a silver coin) did become quite popular.

It was issued until about 210 BC, at about the same time as the denarius was introduced.

It was of similar weight and fineness to the denarius of the time of Nero.

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