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densest Meaning in Bengali

 ঘন, নিবিড়, সান্দ্র, গাঢ়, দুর্বোধ্য, জটিল, গভীর, প্রগাঢ়ভাবে বিজড়িত, চাতুরিপূর্ণ, শঠতাপুর্ণ, অতিশয়, নিরন্তর, নিগূঢ়, বেজায়, অখণ্ড, মর্মঘাতী, ঘিঁজি, কলিল, নিমগ্ন, ঘিঁচি, গহন, চাপা, নীরন্ধ, নিরবচ্ছিন্ন,


দুর্বোধ্য, নিরবচ্ছিন্ন, নীরন্ধ, চাপা, গহন, ঘিঁচি, নিমগ্ন, কলিল, ঘিঁজি, মর্মঘাতী, অখণ্ড, বেজায়, নিগূঢ়, নিরন্তর, অতিশয়, শঠতাপুর্ণ, চাতুরিপূর্ণ, প্রগাঢ়ভাবে বিজড়িত, গভীর, জটিল, গাঢ়, সান্দ্র, নিবিড়, ঘন,

densest's Usage Examples:

M85-HCC1 (densest galaxy known, as of 2015) Strader, J.

Siton Undae is one of the largest and densest dune fields in the vicinity of Planum Boreum, the Martian northern polar ice-cap.

PSR J1719−1438 b was, at the time of its August 25, 2011 discovery, the densest planet ever discovered, at nearly 20 times the density of Jupiter (about.

along with Olympia, Hyperboreae, and Siton Undae, and also one of the densest of the region.

For equal spheres in three dimensions, the densest packing uses approximately 74% of the volume.

the light is caused by interstellar dust grains located in the coldest, densest parts of molecular clouds.

\end{aligned}}} The densest packing of the Archimedean truncated tetrahedron is believed to be Φ = 207/208.

Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area has one of the densest populations of nesting raptors.

Oliver is one of the densest neighbourhoods in Edmonton and West Oliver is the densest area in Alberta.

3 inhabitants per square kilometer, among if not the world's densest.

The chinchilla has the densest fur of all mammals that live on land.

This makes WASP-14b one of the densest exoplanets known.

Hyperboreae Undae (Latin: "Far Northern Waves/Dunes") is one of the largest and densest dune fields of Planum Boreum, the Martian North Pole.

However, unlike the other four, it is not one of the densest.

6 g/cm3), the densest natural element under standard conditions.

cropping, with areas used for wet rice in Java supporting some of the densest populations in the world.


thick; heavy; impenetrable;


hurried; sudden; articulate; thin;

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