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deposited Meaning in Bengali

 জমা, গচ্ছিত, রক্ষিত, আমানত, ন্যস্ত, অর্পিত, নিহিত, থোত্তয়া, অবক্ষিপ্ত, নিক্ষিপ্ত, নিবদ্ধ,


স্থাপিত বস্তু, গচ্ছিত বস্তু, কল্ক, ন্যাস, জমা, আমানত,


থোত্তয়া, রাখা, স্থাপন করা, গচ্ছিত দেত্তয়া, গচ্ছিত রাখা, জমা দেত্তয়া, ন্যস্ত করা, আমানত করা, আমানত দেত্তয়া, আমানত রাখা, জমা করা,

deposited's Usage Examples:

Sedimentary rocks are deposited in layers as strata, forming a structure called bedding.

Sedimentary rocks are often deposited in large structures called.

pushed by the front edge of the ice, is driven no further and instead is deposited in a heap.

An outwash fan is a fan-shaped body of sediments deposited by braided streams from a melting glacier.

When this loose alluvial material is deposited or cemented into a lithological unit, or lithified, it is called an alluvial.

They are transported, sorted and deposited by streams of water.

commonly used to produce mirrors, while more recently the metal layer is deposited using techniques such as sputtering.

It is deposited some distance down-ice to form terminal, lateral, medial and ground moraines.

can be carried in suspension in river water and on reaching the sea bed deposited by sedimentation; if buried, they may eventually become sandstone and.

when deposited onto silicon.

Mo, Ta and Ti are deposited by LPCVD, from their pentachlorides.

Nickel, molybdenum, and tungsten can be deposited at low.

deposited when they melt.

They are called "erratic" because they typically are of a different rock type than the bedrock on which they are deposited.

The soils usually consist of clays, silts, sands, and gravels deposited during floods.

moraines are parallel ridges of debris deposited along the sides of a glacier.

The unconsolidated debris can be deposited on top of the glacier by frost shattering.

that accumulates in a depression on a retreating glacier, and is then deposited on the land surface with further melting of the glacier.

Rock layers deposited during an epoch are called a series.

It may also exist as soil deposited at the bottom of a water body, like mudflows from landslides.

full fossilization, or because the conditions in which the remains were deposited were not optimal for fossilization.

with larger boulders being deposited near the terminal moraine, and smaller particles travelling further before being deposited.

paraconglomerates and orthoconglomerates reflect differences in how they are deposited.

Below these are groups of land parcels known as deposited plans, registered plans or title plans (depending on the state).

sediments of silt, sand, and gravel are deposited into the lake.

Since these sediments are stream deposited, the stratigraphy of the beds will be well.


wedge; secure; stick; fasten; lodge; fix; redeposit;


unlock; unzip; unhook; unfasten; dislodge;

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