<< depravity deprecated >>

deprecate Meaning in Bengali

 প্রার্থনা করিয়া রোদ করিবার চেষ্টা, অসম্মতি করা


বিনয়ী করা, গম্ভীর করা,

deprecate's Usage Examples:

Subordination (finance) Subordination agreement, a legal document used to deprecate the claim of one party in favor of another Subordination (horse), a Thoroughbred.

By announcing a new tax break state budget possibly deprecate some of their revenues from collecting taxes.

proslepsis continuous and contiguous affect and effect upmost and utmost deprecate and defecate Some paronyms are truly synonymous, but only under the rarest.

Abomination (from Latin abominare, "to deprecate as an ill omen") is an English term used to translate the Biblical Hebrew terms shiqquts שיקוץ‎ and sheqets.

It also helps to deprecate the practice of creating a constant interface (an interface that only.

Report" sounded like an offensive slur used in South Africa and decided to deprecate the term.

expenditures: There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic.

In September 2017 Maxeda announced that they would deprecate the Formido brand and replace the stores with the Praxis formula.

the mother of Coriolanus, to go to the camp of Coriolanus in order to deprecate his resentment.

can lead to a multitude of problems, the maintainers have decided to deprecate it in favor of only using the ntpd (network time protocol daemon) or a.

In May 2008, HAL developer David Zeuthen announced his intention to deprecate HAL, mainly because of its complexity and redundancy with other libraries.

Microsoft in MS14-049, but the former is only addressed by a policy to deprecate IExpress.

the development of BIND 9, the Internet Systems Consortium planned to deprecate nslookup in favor of host and dig.

analysis; rather, he is a satirical commentator whose main objective is to deprecate politicians (mostly of conservative convictions) under the umbrella of.

) deprecate the net being thrown so wide; as for example in the Howrah Gang Case,.

The chronicler tends to laud the "good old days", and deprecate contemporary Ferrara as fallen away from its former glory, as when he.

Some authorities deprecate the rule as having too many exceptions to be worth learning.

0 classes and methods have been deprecated.


disapprove; reject;


pressurise; inactivity; approve;

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