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describable Meaning in Bengali

 বর্ণনীয়, ঠাহর করার মতো, বর্ণনীয়,



describable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আর, ব্যক্তির আচরণ, ভাবনা এবং ক্রিয়াকাণ্ডই হয়ে ওঠে উপন্যাসের প্রধান বর্ণনীয় বিষয় ।

আইজ্যাক নিউটন তার প্রথম বর্ণনীয় দৃশ্যমান বর্ণালীতে নীলকে সাতটি রঙের একটি হিসাবে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করেছিলেন ।

লেখিকা ইতিহাস চেতনা এবং বর্ণনীয় উপস্থাপন শৈলীতে এই উপন্যাসটি রচনা করেছেন ।

describable's Usage Examples:

Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism also describable as aldosterone synthase hyperactivity, is an autosomal dominant disorder in which the increase.

|\psi \rangle } ; if it could, the results of that measurement would be describable with words, i.

and references the Iskut River, the Stikine's largest tributary and describable as its south fork.

Projects go through definite and describable phases.

would imply an infinite number of solutions (since the system would be describable in terms of at least one free variable), but that property does not extend.

more restricted ensemble which admits only universe representations describable by constructive mathematics, that is, computer programs; e.

) If Opeth's sound is describable as having jazz influence, it is most prevalent on their first two albums.

modelling based on empirical observations rather than on mathematically describable relationships of the system modelled.

including crowds of people or large numbers of grains if those are describable approximately under the continuum hypothesis as used in continuum mechanics.

It was almost describable as "Sony's DirectX" during this era—although the name refers to surrounding.

order to be compliant with this Recommendation, equipment needs to be describable as an interconnection of a subset of these functional blocks contained.

it can be said that "existentiell" refers to a "what", a materially describable reality, whereas "existential" refers to structures inherent in any possible.

thermodynamic process, the system may pass through physical states which are not describable as thermodynamic states, because they are far from internal thermodynamic.

phenomena are treated by imposing quantum restrictions on classically describable behaviour.

pedantic claim; there are also mathematical hierarchies which are not describable using set theory.

mental descriptions, relationships between these mental events are not describable by strict physical laws.

set limits on the existence and operation of mind in a mathematically describable universe; the scale does not include items on astrology, cryptozoological.

sharing a picture and a video of his friend that contained sexually describable material in a WhatsApp group.

the Helmholtz decomposition theorem however, all vector fields can be describable in terms of a scalar potential and corresponding vector potential.

, polymers with many monomers) are describable efficiently in the thermodynamic limit of infinitely many monomers (although.




untellable; inexpressible;

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