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deter Meaning in Bengali

 বাধা দেওয়া, নিবারণ করা


বাধা দেত্তয়া, ভয় দেখাইয়া নিবৃত্ত করা,

deter শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

'বারা' শব্দের লোকায়ত অর্থ বাধা দেওয়া বা নিবারণ করা

সূর্যের প্রচন্ড তাপ থেকে শরীরকে সুশীতল করা কূপের পানি প্রচন্ড তৃষ্ণাকে নিবারণ করা যায়, সর্বোপারি মরুভূমির জনশূন্যতা থেকে রক্ষা পেয়ে মানুষের সঙ্গ লাভ করা ।

deter's Usage Examples:

One tactic to deter or defeat usurpation is civilian-based defense.

Tamperproofing, conceptually, is a methodology used to hinder, deter or detect unauthorised access to a device or circumvention of a security system.

criminal offending is the idea or theory that the threat of punishment will deter people from committing crime and reduce the probability and/or level of.

It was created in January 2010 "to deter and defeat aggression and to ensure freedom of action to achieve military.

When police harassment and imprisonment failed to deter the monks, all of whom were Newars, they were deported.

small portion of the actual cost of the medical service but is meant to deter people from seeking medical care that may not be necessary (e.

find that defensive alliances deter conflict.

One study questions these findings, showing that alliance commitments deterred conflict in the prenuclear era.

or striped in colour, mimicking the appearance of venomous sea snakes to deter predators.

strategy in power politics whereby a state tries to get another state to deter or fight an aggressor state while it remains on the sidelines.

1967, the second day of the Six-Day War, with a joint Arab decision to deter any countries from supporting Israel militarily.

One of the reasons is that a very high share price may deter small investors from buying the shares.

Such offences are used to deter potential offenders from dangerous behaviour rather than to impose punishment.

well as obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications.

to deter criminals, but looting still occurs.

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) was one such act, but lacks penalties needed to deter crime.

Dulles sought to deter aggression by the Soviet Union by warning that the cost might be massive.

train was typically used to carry money bags guarded by transit police to deter robberies.

Frank Barney Gorton Stableford (1870–1959), to deter golfers from giving up on their round after just one or two bad holes.

species) known collectively as bufotoxins, which act as neurotoxins to deter predation.


disapprove; discourage; reject;


admit; honor; believe; approve;

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