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detractors Meaning in Bengali


অপবাদকারী, অপহারক, নিন্দুক,

detractors শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এরপর এই দুই অপহারক ডঃ হাজরাকে পাহাড়ের উপর থেকে ধাক্কা দেয় এবং মুকুলকে অপহরণ করে যাতে বর্মন ।

তাঁর আটটি কবিতার সংকলন, পাঁচটি উপন্যাসের এবং চারটি চারটি কাজে নিন্দুক হিসাবে ।

একজন নিন্দুক লেখক ।

"সাইকোসোসাল" ও "বিফর আই ফরগেট" এর মত "অবিস্মরণীয় গান"-এর পারফরমান্স এর সাথে "নিন্দুক ও ভক্তদের মনে করিয়ে দেয় সরাসরি পারফরমান্সে স্লিপনটের প্রতিদ্বন্দ্ব্বীর ।

শহীদ আবুল কাশেম এড.রবিউল আলম বুদু হাবিবুর রহমান হাবিব বশির আহমেদ বকুল নিন্দুক বিশ্বাস' বর্তমান চেয়ারম্যান: মোঃ মতলেবুর রহমান মিনহাজ রাজশাহী বিভাগ পাবনা ।

কোষাধ্যক্ষ বলা হতো এবং এটি মূলত আবিষ্কৃত হয়,সেলুনের চাকরি হতে অপসারণকৃত অপহারক কোষাধ্যক্ষ হতে অর্থ সুরক্ষার জন্য ।

detractors's Usage Examples:

The detractors of pop rock often deride it as a slick, commercial product, less authentic.

He soon had a large following, whom his detractors referred to as "Red Sticks", and they formed their own council, electing.

"I'm preempting what people say and therefore diffusing the power of my detractors.

little more than a way to distinguish between domestic supporters and detractors, and even the phrase "Great Satan" which has previously been associated.

However, the company is not technically a pyramid scheme as its detractors claim, as it does sell a product.

earned Feyerabend the title of "the worst enemy of science" from his detractors.

The phrase was depicted by Romney's detractors and the Obama campaign as demeaning and insensitive toward women and was.

It was called "Tariff of Abominations" by its Southern detractors because of the effects it had on the Southern economy.

Lyrically, Minaj addresses her detractors, and references several celebrities including Donald Sterling and Will.

retire after 1965–1966 before the season had started (thus giving his detractors "one last shot" at him), announced Bill Russell as the Celtics' coach.

model was the growing influence within the music world of bel canto's detractors, who considered it to be outmoded and condemned it as vocalization devoid.

Sophiology (Russian: Софиология, by detractors also called Sophianism Софианство or Sophism Софизм) is a controversial school of thought in Russian Orthodoxy.

died as the Ethiopian government of the time and (according to the song) detractors of the Rastafarian religion claimed.

described as being "sleek, slow funk", with Carey speaking out against the detractors who doubted her relationship with her lover would "go the distance", setting.

writings of Valentinus, existed only in quotes displayed by their orthodox detractors, until 1945, when the cache of writings at Nag Hammadi revealed a Coptic.


traducer; libeler; depreciator; slanderer; cynic; vilifier; maligner; mudslinger; muckraker; defamer; disparager; knocker; backbiter; faultfinder; hatemonger;

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