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diabase Meaning in Bengali




diabase's Usage Examples:

formed where French Creek cuts across a series of diabase (trap rock) dikes.

Erosion of the diabase dikes by the creek has caused huge boulders to fall.

Subvolcanic rocks include diabase (also known as dolerite) and porphyry.

Common examples of subvolcanic rocks are diabase, quartz-dolerite, micro-granite.

Common mafic rocks include basalt, diabase and gabbro.

" Haycock is covered with numerous triassic diabase boulders, and is a bouldering destination with many established routes.

Group are overlain by a 60 m (200 ft) cap of diabase.

This diabase cap is a sill remnant, and most of the diabase is covered by a considerable thickness of.

Types of trap rock include basalt, peridotite, diabase, and gabbro.

The diabase rock was used as building material in growing areas like Jersey City.

trade route from Lake Superior to Winnipeg, and features several scenic diabase-capped mesas, as well as several types of rare and unusual plants.

In geological terms, black granite might be gabbro, diabase, basalt, diorite, norite, or anorthosite.

an 18th-century landowner, is a diabase trap rock ridge running west to east in the US State of New Jersey.

Wherry theorized that the ringing was due to the texture of the diabase rocks and that they were supported by other rocks.

The Nipissing sills, also called the Nipissing diabase, is a large 2217– to 2210–million year old group of sills in the Superior craton of the Canadian.

the park include the site of the former Fort La Cloche trading post and diabase dykes cutting through older Lorrain, Gowganda, and Bruce formations, as.

The settlement is named for Sand Hills, a small group of diabase hills which contains Middlesex County's highest point.

The dykes are made up of tholeiitic diabase and some dykes of intermediate composition.

It consists of three diabase dike swarms known as Marathon, Kapuskasing and Fort Frances.

The Palisades Sill is a Triassic, 200 Ma diabase intrusion.

rock, known as basalt, if extrusive, or diabase, if intrusive.

East Rock, being intrusive, is diabase.

diabase's Meaning in Other Sites