<< diagrammatic diagrams >>

diagrammatically Meaning in Bengali

diagrammatically's Usage Examples:

preference for action to reduce and manage waste, and is usually presented diagrammatically in the form of a pyramid.

The structure is shown diagrammatically in the "Contents and Site Map".

systems terminology, but also a means of depicting key family parameters diagrammatically.

A possible solution for N ≤ 17 is shown diagrammatically on the right; numerically it is as follows: x 1 = 0.

For clarity, we rewrite the above compositions diagrammatically.

Another option of diagrammatically indicating a right angle, using an angle curve and a small dot.

These are explained diagrammatically by the UITP.

with source X and target Y is written f : X → Y, and is represented diagrammatically by an arrow from X to Y.

which has seven whole-page copperplate engravings showing somewhat diagrammatically with labels and dotted lines how fowls, game, meat and fish are to.

Ignoring these unusual rank names, his classification can be shown diagrammatically: Subsequent research, largely based on molecular phylogenetic studies.

relationships, using frequencies instead of probabilities and/or thinking diagrammatically sharply reduce the error in some forms of the conjunction fallacy.

Peyote stitch patterns are very easy to depict diagrammatically because they are typically stitched flat.

He proposed that the image should be photographed or diagrammatically represented to allow analysis of the image.

overall appearance of the LP compressor when the side elevation is shown diagrammatically.

This bed form sequence can also be illustrated diagrammatically: "Lower plane bed" refers to the flat configuration the bed of a river.

pilgrims' guides that illustrate the pilgrimage and its locations diagrammatically, the Anis Al-Hujjaj is distinctive for also including colourful depictions.

proteins where loops, beta sheets, and alpha helices are represented diagrammatically and no atoms or bonds are explicitly represented (e.



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