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different meaning Meaning in Bengali


different meaning's Usage Examples:

Pictograph has a rather different meaning in the field of prehistoric art, including recent art by traditional.

A different meaning of the term hypothesis is used in formal logic, to denote the antecedent.

context; for example, when people say 'day and night', 'day' will have a different meaning: the interval of light between two successive nights, the time between.

the graphic arts, especially printmaking and drawing, "tone" has a different meaning, referring to areas of continuous color, produced by various means.

word that shares the same written form as another word but has a different meaning.

over 50 different senses of the word "play", each of these having a different meaning based on the context of the word's usage in a sentence, as follows:.

In biochemistry the term has a rather different meaning.

community already has the same sign name or that the same sign has a different meaning.

the term "strong pass" is preferred here to avoid confusion with a different meaning of the term "forcing pass" in bridge.

In other countries, the term "informatics" is used with a different meaning in the context of library science.

describe their products, such as mild ale, though the term has a rather different meaning today.

Later on, the festivity was given a different meaning by the church by celebrating the acceptance of Christianity, as symbolized.

recommended the name be kept as three words, since combining them gave a different meaning.

wireless has been used twice in communications history, with slightly different meaning.

In other cases, a word may simply have gained a slightly different meaning; for instance, kanningu (カンニング) does not mean "cunning", but "cheating".

different meaning, although encoded with the same code points); and (b) the hyphen and minus sign (both a short horizontal stroke, but with different.

'sea trials' may be used interchangeably, though each has a slightly different meaning.

theorists Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre and, with a slightly different meaning, by the historian-theorist Kenneth Frampton.

The term transparency has a very different meaning in information security where it is used to describe security mechanisms.

with regards to community radio stations, although with a slightly different meaning (as many non-"indie" commercial broadcasting radio stations produce.


amicable; unthreatening;


hostile; unmotivated; unplanned;

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