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differentiating Meaning in Bengali

 ভেদ করা, প্রভেদ করা, পৃথক্ করা, বাছিয়া আলাদা করা, বিশেষ করা, পার্থক্যনির্ণয় করা,

differentiating শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিশেষ করা, তার অবদানে তুলনায় তাকে যথাযথ স্বীকৃতি প্রদান করা হয়নি বললেই চলে ।

মানুষ হিসেবে অবেক্ষণমূলক সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের প্রবণতা বিচার করে পরিপক্বতাকে প্রভেদ করা হয় ।

যেগু‌লো, সাধারণত মতবাদ এবং ক্ষমতা ভেদা‌ভে‌দের অধী‌নে প্রভেদ করা হয় ।

এই রহিম আর অমরেন্দ্রে প্রভেদ করা দোষ্কর ।

আলাদাভাবেও লেখা হয়: /t͡s/ = /ts/ /t͡ʃ/ = /tʃ/ (পোলীয় ভাষায় এই দুটোকে প্রভেদ করা হয়) /d͡z/ = /dz/ /d͡ʒ/ = /dʒ/ এর অর্থ হল দুটো এমন ধ্বনি ব্যবহার করা হয় ।

ফলে বইয়ে বাস্তবতা ও কৃত্রিমতার প্রভেদ করা দুষ্কর হয়ে যায় ।

অধিকারিনী হলেও ছিন্নমস্তার মন্দিরের সংখ্যা খুবই কম এবং সর্বজনীনভাবেও তার পূজা বিশেষ করা হয় না ।

এছাড়াও প্রতিসরাঙ্ক দ্বারা বিভিন্ন ধরনের রত্ন-পাথরের মধ্যে প্রভেদ করা হয় ।

differentiating's Usage Examples:

{\displaystyle \varphi } may be differentiated with respect to α by differentiating under the integral sign, i.

Staminodes can be a critical characteristic for differentiating between species, for instance in the orchid genus Paphiopedilum, and.

combine four or more windows, which join together to form an arch, differentiating them from the more common and often three-sided bay window.

sidelocks served as a distinguishing feature in the Yemenite society (differentiating them from their non-Jewish neighbors).

The central differentiating factor is that Sephardic Haredim follow the rulings and customs of.

It is useful for differentiating pain in the right upper quadrant.

derivative of arccos ⁡ x {\displaystyle \arccos x} follows immediately by differentiating the identity arcsin ⁡ x + arccos ⁡ x = π / 2 {\displaystyle \arcsin.

policy, conducting oversight hearings, monitoring roll call votes, differentiating between Democratic and Republican positions, and building party unity.

the Short Count, the Maya continued to keep a reckoning of kʼatuns, differentiating them by the Calendar Round date on which they began.

Bright redness of erysipelas has been described as a third differentiating feature.

Spieloper is an opera with a comic plot and light, pleasant music, differentiating it from more serious opera.

Other ethical approaches that define themselves by differentiating groups from one another through culture or other phenomena are regarded.

hematopoiesis; it regulates genes whose downstream products encourage differentiating stem cells towards becoming megakaryocytes rather than erythrocytes.

wheels, creating a notation 2-(2-2)-0, or (2-2)-2-0, as a means of differentiating between them.

locations were analyzed for each of these events to develop methods for differentiating underground nuclear tests from other seismic events (such as earthquakes).

a single award for Best Individual Performance in a Comedy Series, differentiating neither by gender nor for the distinction between lead and supporting.

One of the main characteristics differentiating notebook processors from other CPUs is low-power consumption, however.

The original USDA pyramid has been criticized for not differentiating between refined grains and whole grains, between saturated fats and.


label; single out; sex; severalise; distinguish; decouple; place; contrast; tell apart; secernate; discriminate; demarcate; identify; contradistinguish; know; severalize; dissociate; stratify; compare; individualize; secern; individualise; tell; know apart; separate;


desegregate; unify; union; shared; associate;

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