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diffuses Meaning in Bengali

 ছড়াইয়া দেত্তয়া, ছিটাইয়া দেত্তয়া, ছড়াইয়া পড়া, বিকীর্ণ করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, খচিত করা,


খচিত করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, বিকীর্ণ করা, ছড়াইয়া পড়া, ছিটাইয়া দেত্তয়া, ছড়াইয়া দেত্তয়া,


সংক্ষিপ্ত নহে এমন, ফেনায় হইয়াছে এমন, শব্দবহুল, বিস্তৃত, বিকীর্ণ,

diffuses's Usage Examples:

nitrogen also diffuses out as its tension has been increased.

Oxygen diffuses into the air film at a higher rate than nitrogen diffuses out.

Boiling diffuses the impurities into the liquid and results in a bitter taste and unclear.

Metabolic waste diffuses or is actively transported into the tubule, which transports the wastes.

success of a nation can be determined by how well that nation innovates and diffuses technology across its people.

Some environmental contaminants below ground produce gas which diffuses through the soil such as from landfill wastes, mining activities, and contamination.

The gas diffuses through the air and, on contact with the eye, it stimulates sensory neurons.

Nitriding is a heat treating process that diffuses nitrogen into the surface of a metal to create a case-hardened surface.

when a translucent material like a cloud diffuses sunlight, giving soft light.

At the same time gas, mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, diffuses from the blood in the siphuncle into the emptying chamber.

(also called a light diffuser or optical diffuser) is any material that diffuses or scatters light in some manner to transmit soft light.

is held in a structure called the suprabranchial chamber, where oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream via the respiratory epithelium covering the labyrinth.

and gas flows in the CPB circuit; oxygen diffuses from the gas side into the blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the gas for disposal.

PGA is then chemically reduced and diffuses back to the bundle sheath to complete the reductive pentose phosphate cycle.

When the amorphous viscid secretion (that makes up the capsule) diffuses into the surrounding medium and remains as a loose undemarcated secretion.

From this position, the ligand diffuses along the surface of the DNA and may slide into the hydrophobic environment.

SIRPα diffuses laterally on the macrophage membrane and accumulates at a phagocytic synapse.

specular (mirror-like) direction, while on flat paints most of the light diffuses in a range of angles.

innovation comes from research and development, is then marketed and 'diffuses' to end-users.

While DAG stays inside the membrane, IP3 is soluble and diffuses through the cell, where it binds to its receptor, which is a calcium channel.


bleed; spread out; fan out; creep; run; mantle; distribute; percolate; spread;


refrain; confront; stay in place; specify; disarrange;

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