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dimorphism Meaning in Bengali




dimorphism শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বেশিরভাগ পাখিপ্রজাতির মধ্যেই যৌন দ্বিরুপতা বিদ্যমান ।

এই প্রজাতির মধ্যে যৌন দ্বিরুপতা দেখতে পাওয়া যায় ।

দেখা যায়, মহিলাদের মধ্যে গড়ে পঞ্চম সংখ্যা কম হয় sh সামগ্রিকভাবে, যৌন দ্বিরুপতা রিপোর্ট পৃষ্ঠীয় অঙ্ক অনুপাত অনেক শক্তিশালী 4D অনুপাত: Palmar অঙ্ক অনুপাত ।

মানুষের অনেক বৈশিষ্ট্যতে যৌন দ্বিরুপতা প্রদর্শিত হয়, যার অনেকের সাথে প্রজনন ক্ষমতার সাথে সরাসরি যোগাযোগ নেই ।

গর্ভধারণ Postpartum period Mechanics of sex জীবন দশা গর্ভকালীন পরিবর্ধন/যৌন দ্বিরুপতা/যৌন পৃথকীকরণ (নারীকরণ পুরুষকরণ) বয়ঃসন্ধি (Gonadarche Pubarche Menarche ।

শিংবিশিষ্ট ঠোঁটী পাখির উভয় চঞ্চু এবং শিরস্ত্রান আকার এবং আকৃতিতে যৌন দ্বিরুপতা প্রদর্শন করে, এবং স্ত্রী হুইয়া এর চিকন এবং বাকানো ঠোঁট দ্বিগুণ হয় যেমনটা ।

dimorphism's Usage Examples:

Sexual dimorphism is the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond the differences in their sexual organs.

Crabs often show marked sexual dimorphism.

Birds of prey (Raptors) are known to display patterns of sexual dimorphism.

It is commonly believed that the dimorphisms found in raptors occur due.

Sexual dimorphism is a physical difference between males and females of a species.

individuals of a species may be similar, or have physical differences (sexual dimorphism).

large size dimorphism, with females being larger than males.

Conversely, the Lesbiini clade (coquettes) displays very little size dimorphism; males and.

two sexes emerge the dimorphism in the gamete structures and sizes may lead to further dimorphism in the species.

Sexual dimorphism is often caused through.

The phenotypic difference between males and females is called sexual dimorphism.

the dimorphism is not attributed to sexual selection.

Another example of extreme dimorphism in.

phenotypic differences between males and females, also known as sexual dimorphism.

In shorebirds, various sexual dimorphisms are seen, including, but not.

types of sexual dimorphism have been recorded in crab spiders.

Some species exhibit color dimorphisms; however, the most apparent dimorphism is the difference.

Some tarantula species exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism.

Araneids often exhibit size dimorphism typically known as extreme sexual size dimorphism, due to the extent of differences in size.

Part of a series on Sex Biological terms Sexual dimorphism Sexual differentiation Feminization Virilization Sex-determination system XY X0 ZW Z0 Temperature-dependent.

While noticeable in very mature specimens, the sexual dimorphism in size of the American alligator is relatively modest among crocodilians.

) Turtles of the genus Apalone exhibit marked sexual dimorphism.

to demonstrate their fitness to be chosen by females, producing sexual dimorphism in secondary sexual characteristics, such as the ornate plumage of birds.



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