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dinginess Meaning in Bengali

dinginess's Usage Examples:

nineteenth century- before the days of the automobile, in order to escape the "dinginess of a garrisoned city" [Halifax].

Lord's: "The museum at Lord's is cramped and gives an air of scholarly dinginess .

under which the vegetation of the district exists is to give to it a dinginess not pleasant to look upon.

through the drug-fuelled paranoia of the '90s, the epitome of post-rave dinginess.

atmosphere she believes she cannot live without, as she has learned to abhor "dinginess.

effect worsened during bad fogs and damp weather, creating a "uniform dinginess" among London's buildings.

persistent and willful notion that jazz is somehow associated with squalor and dinginess and bad ventilation, and that its partisans qualify as dedicated only.


dirtiness; dinge; uncleanness;


soiled; spotlessness; purity; cleanness;

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