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disappearing Meaning in Bengali

 অদৃশ্য হত্তয়া, অদর্শন হত্তয়া, উধাত্ত হত্তয়া, অপ্রকট হত্তয়া, অন্তর্হিত হত্তয়া, অন্তর্ধান হত্তয়া,



disappearing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

 [স্থায়ীভাবে অকার্যকর সংযোগ] "পৌরসভা নির্বাচনে বরিশাল আ'লীগের অদৃশ্য বিভাজন স্পষ্ট হয়ে উঠেছে" ।

থেকে প্রাপ্ত তথ্যানুসারে মহাবিশ্বে ৭৪% অদৃশ্য শক্তি, ২২% অদৃশ্য বস্তু এবং মাত্র ৪% সাধারণ বস্তু রয়েছে ।

অদৃশ্য শক্তি আবিষ্কারের পূর্বে বিশ্বতত্ত্ববিদগণ ।

ব্যবস্থা যা তারা, আন্তঃনাক্ষত্রিক গ্যাস ও ধূলিকণা, প্লাসমা এবং প্রচুর পরিমাণে অদৃশ্য বস্তু দ্বারা গঠিত ।

disappearing's Usage Examples:

A disappearing gun, a gun mounted on a disappearing carriage, is an obsolete type of artillery which enabled a gun to hide from direct fire and observation.

polymorphs are not always reproducibly obtained, leading to cases of "disappearing polymorphs".

" The similar tactic of a disappearing quorum—refusing to vote although physically present on the floor or walking.

The pictures below show dark areas in which frost is disappearing and the dark ground beneath is being exposed.

history of apiculture, and have been known by various names (including disappearing disease, spring dwindle, May disease, autumn collapse, and fall dwindle.

without the intention of being made visible again are called disappearing inks.

They were installed on disappearing carriages or pedestal (a.

The disappearing gun was a variation on the barbette gun; it consisted of a heavy gun.

12" counterweight disappearing guns Bloomfield: (2) 12" counterweight disappearing guns Halleck: (3) 10" counterweight disappearing guns Mortar Battery.

Most were installed on disappearing carriages, with early installations on low-angle barbette mountings.

Most were installed on disappearing carriages, with early installations on barbette mountings.

However, Kanakuri is best known for disappearing during the marathon race in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics.

Heaths are widespread worldwide but are fast disappearing and considered a rare habitat in Europe.

A losing stream, disappearing stream, influent stream or sinking river is a stream or river that loses water as it flows downstream.


disappearance; vanishing; going away; leaving; departure; going;


emersion; inactive; birth; disembarkation; appearance;

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