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disenfranchising Meaning in Bengali

disenfranchising's Usage Examples:

They succeeded in disenfranchising most of the black citizens, as well as many poor whites in the South.

measures of the convention were passed with the outspoken intention of disenfranchising practically all African-Americans, from its very start.

were administered to prospective voters, and this had the effect of disenfranchising African Americans and others with diminished access to education.

2006), was a legal challenge to New York State’s law disenfranchising individuals convicted of felonies while in prison and on parole.

designed to protect the voting rights of illiterate white voters while disenfranchising black voters.

constitution that created barriers to voter registration, essentially disenfranchising most blacks and many poor whites.

Cecil Rhodes, which raised the property franchise qualification, thus disenfranchising a large proportion of the Cape's non-white voters, and a number of.

This move created an oligarchic system, disenfranchising a great majority of the citizens and provoking some unrest.

Alabama ranks third nationally in disenfranchising formerly incarcerated persons.

with Mississippi, legislatures of ten of the eleven states passed disenfranchising constitutions, which had new provisions for poll taxes, literacy tests.

inserting the word "white" into the suffrage law, which passed, thus disenfranchising African Americans in Pennsylvania.

vote and it may prevent Parliament or the provincial governments from disenfranchising any Canadian citizen for ideological or political purposes, among others.

as no African-American had been allowed to vote since the state's disenfranchising constitution was passed in 1890.

convention passed pioneering provisions to 'reform' politics by effectively disenfranchising most African Americans.

white-dominated state legislature passed a new state constitution effectively disenfranchising most blacks in the state.

Carolina passed several laws to protect the rights of slave owners while disenfranchising the rights of slaves.


deprive; disfranchise;


enrich; feed; enfranchise;

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