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dislocate Meaning in Bengali

 স্থানচু্যত করা


স্থানচু্যত করা, গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা,

dislocate's Usage Examples:

fall, to the joint can cause the bones in the joint to be displaced or dislocated from normal position.

impacted by the California High-Speed Rail as the planned route will dislocate residents.

that the transposal or withdrawal of any one of them will disjoin and dislocate the whole.

pocket at the front of the glenoid forms that allows the humeral head to dislocate into it.

‘to force, to dislocate if necessary, language into his meaning’.

parallel bars and horizontal bar, having his own signature move (jam-dislocate-hop to undergrips) on the latter.

dependency on the national economy; and urban migration had begun to dislocate women from their traditional role and their kinswomen thereby increasing.

These stretch injuries can either dislocate joints or fracture a limb, due to which peripheral nerves are severed.

surface skin and deploys non-rectilinear shapes which appear to distort and dislocate established elements of architecture.

occasionally used for the treatment of stabilisation of joints that regularly dislocate, particularly in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

utilises the perambulant model, which is a technique used in drama to dislocate the audience involving multiple points of focus.

pikes, dislocates or front or back-uprises to build up height.

A typical routine would show a number of "flying" dislocates or inlocates (a dislocate leading.

performed correctly, this technique will break the opponents wrist, elbow and dislocate the shoulder.

Frodo was born double jointed which means he can dislocate joints, he uses this as the basis for most of his acts.

Schlesinger’s installations often dislocate everyday objects, rearranging them in ways that leave viewers simultaneously.

them to open their mouths very wide when feeding (though they cannot dislocate their jaws, contrary to popular belief).

The mandible can dislocate in the anterior, posterior, lateral, or superior position.

It is exceedingly rare for the ankle joint to dislocate in the presence of ligamentous injury alone.




recede; rise;

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