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disorganising Meaning in Bengali

disorganising's Usage Examples:

Since it departed from Social-Democratic views and tactics, engaged in disorganising activities, and had no contacts with Social-Democratic organisations.

In the morning the Scots raced to attack the English, disorganising their own formations.

assistance to all violent activity, including "expropriations", as "disorganising and demoralizing", and called for all party militias to be disbanded.

English archers shot into the Welsh spear schiltrons, weakening and disorganising the troops.

than necessary, and that his small force played a considerable part in disorganising the German forces in front of that army.

36-pounder long guns exploded, killing or wounding 60 men, greatly disorganising and demoralising the others, and forcing Barré to transfer gunners from.

Australia, but Government officials kept all findings secret for fear of disorganising the young colony.

Sovnarkom, released an ultimatum in which he accused the Central Rada of disorganising the front lines, stopping "any troops going into the region of the Don.

the order, the topsail yards of Ardent and Éveillé broke, slowing and disorganising the Destouches' battle line, and the British seized the opportunity.

cautioned that the aqueduct would be better if made of clay to avoid disorganising the entire system in the event a brick or two became dislodged.

When the elephants broke, disorganising a large part of the Carthaginian army and demoralising all of it, Metellus.

immediately astern of the break would be forced away to leeward, so disorganising the enemy rear and isolating it.

but they continued late into the night, with the dusk and then dark disorganising the French yet further.

weakened, Pugh argues, by repeated failures before 1914 and by the disorganising effects of war mobilization; therefore they quietly accepted these restrictions.

themselves as Fontebride's zéphyrs approached Fort Bamboo from the east, disorganising the Chinese defenders with a devastating volley from behind their positions.

known teratogen, by crossing the placenta DES disrupts organogenesis by disorganising uterine muscle layers causing maldevelopment of uterus and uterine tube.

exhausting and battalions had been sent where needed, dispersing units and disorganising their command structures.




organise; organize;

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