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disprovable Meaning in Bengali

disprovable's Usage Examples:

Provability or provable (and disprovability or disprovable) may refer to: Provability logic, a modal logic Provable prime, an integer that has been calculated.

Other thinkers have posited non-disprovable analogies, such as J.

A primary goal of Lexicase is to provide a simple, transparent, disprovable means of testing cross-linguistic tendencies.

{\displaystyle T} is either provable ( T ⊢ S {\displaystyle T\vdash S} ) or disprovable ( T ⊢ ¬ S {\displaystyle T\vdash \neg S} ).

A statement that is neither provable nor disprovable from a set of axioms is called undecidable (from those axioms).

sentence G, the Gödel sentence of Peano arithmetic, is not provable nor disprovable in Peano arithmetic.

sufficient to code arithmetic, questions exist which are neither provable nor disprovable on the basis of the axioms which define the system.

For example, the Banach–Tarski paradox is neither provable nor disprovable from ZF alone: it is impossible to construct the required decomposition.

Other details of his biography, while not as easily disprovable, are also largely legendary.

called a scientific theory, Intelligent Design must be at the very least, disprovable.

explicit example of a statement of arithmetic that is neither provable nor disprovable in Peano's arithmetic.

does not choose sides, saying that the issue is neither provable nor disprovable.

Gödel constructed examples of statements that are neither provable nor disprovable from axiomatizations of number theory.

Questions remain whether or not the meme concept counts as a validly disprovable scientific theory.

∎ The well-foundedness of all sets is neither provable nor disprovable in PST.

self-contradictory analysis, cherry picking of data and forwarding of easily disprovable hypotheses have been located.

not provable", and prove that this sentence is neither provable nor disprovable within the theory.

On 23 October, Ward repeated her disprovable claims to have been married to the deceased Michael McVerry.

needed] Such beliefs are non-falsifiable and, thus, neither provable nor disprovable; they concern perceptual beliefs or indisputable mental states.

manner) Empirically testable and falsifiable (potentially confirmable or disprovable by experiment or observation) Based on multiple observations (often in.

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