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dissecting Meaning in Bengali

 ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা, শবব্যবচ্ছেদ করা,


শবব্যবচ্ছেদ করা, ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা,

dissecting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

" যদি "মুক্ত" শব্দটিকে মাত্রার জন্য ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা হয়, তবে এখানে সিলেবল আছে দুটি ।

প্রথমদিকে বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে মৃত্যুদণ্ডপ্রাপ্ত আসামীদের ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা হত ।

তিনি আগেই বলেছিলেন মৃত্যুর পর তার যেন শব ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা হয় এবং পরে স্থায়ীভাবে প্রতিমূর্তি হিসেবে সংরক্ষণ করে রাখা হয়, যেটা ।

এই চিত্রে, ব্রংকিওল দেখানোর জন্য ফুসফুসকে ব্যবচ্ছেদ করা হয়েছে ।

dissecting's Usage Examples:

Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, also known as dissecting folliculitis of the scalp, perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens of Hoffman, perifolliculitis.

About 29% of late deaths following surgery are due to rupture of either a dissecting aneurysm or another aneurysm.

The stereo, stereoscopic or dissecting microscope is an optical microscope variant designed for low magnification observation of a sample, typically using.

dissection of the human body resulted in its legalisation of publicly dissecting criminals in some European countries between 1283 and 1365" - this was.

The act of prosecting differs from that of dissecting.

folliculitis decalvans, acne keloidalis nuchae, immunobullous disorders, and dissecting cellulitis.

instruments can be divided into five classes by function: Cutting and dissecting instruments: Scalpels, scissors, and saws are the most traditional Elevators.

recovering from emergency surgery performed just six days earlier because of a dissecting aortic aneurysm near her heart.

micromollusks to the species level almost always requires a stereo or dissecting microscope.

Open reduction is where the fracture fragments are exposed surgically by dissecting the tissues.

running the words of the Biblical text together, removing the vowels, dissecting the words in different ways, and adding alternate vowels so as to give.

magnification power of around 200x (though sometimes it is performed using a dissecting stereo microscope at 40–50x or a traditional compound upright microscope.

against the baseline, but this irregularity is "disguised" by angled lines dissecting the space.

They include bandage scissors, dissecting scissors, iris scissors, operating scissors, stitch scissors, tenotomy.

The dissecting point between the three states is the confluence of the Wabash and Ohio.

main intersections of Chamran Expressway, from south to north, include dissecting Bagher Khan Street, passing under Jalal-e-Ale Ahmad Expressway at Nasr.

disease and once inherited will result in dissection of the aorta, and dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, or rarely aortic or arterial dilation at a young.

Major roads dissecting the suburb are Grand Avenue (east-west) and James Ruse Drive (north-south).


anatomize; vivisect; anatomise; cut;


thicken; increase; deflate; lengthen; inflate;

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