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distasteful Meaning in Bengali

 অরূচিকর, পেট খারাপ করায় এমন, বিরাগ উত্পাদকরঙিন,


বিরাগ-উত্পাদকরঙিন, পেট খারাপ করায় এমন, অরূচিকর,

distasteful শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ওয়েবসাইট এবং অন্যান্য ইলেকট্রনিক যোগাযোগের বিষয়বস্তু বিভিন্ন কারণে অরূচিকর, অশ্লীল বা আক্রমণাত্মক হতে পারে ।

distasteful's Usage Examples:

Haya encourages Muslims to avoid anything considered to be distasteful or abominable.

it, the display is taken as aposematic, meaning the prey is genuinely distasteful.

convey the covering up of an act or an object that is embarrassing or distasteful with something of innocuous appearance, a metaphorical reference to the.

"pretty stones" that they find by digging in mud, thus representing the distasteful materialism and ignorant elitism Swift encountered in Britain.

ever wrote", "the chilling and pitiless masterpiece" and as "overtly distasteful".

The clash of parties was distasteful to his temperament.

Some species have a very strong pleasant scent, while others smell distasteful.

This seaweed contains certain chemicals that are distasteful and protect it from predatory fish.

frequency-dependent selection, as when edible mimics are less frequent than the distasteful models whose colours and patterns they copy.

It turns out that many species of insects are toxic or distasteful when they have fed on plants that contain chemicals of particular classes.

Conklin criticized several plot elements, and a "faintly distasteful emphasis on British nationalism", but labelled the work as "an interesting.

such as bees; or, again honestly, to warn off other organisms, as when distasteful animals use warning coloration to prevent attacks from potential predators.

translations before this is due in part to Dante's Catholic views being distasteful, or at least uninteresting, to Protestant English audiences, who viewed.

of useless individuals in a future society, has been considered to be distasteful by several commentators.

her, but she hoped her story would not be told in a sensationalist or distasteful way.

Conversely, poisonous or distasteful animals that advertise their presence with warning coloration (aposematism).

mild form of aposematic coloration, though they do not appear to be distasteful unless they have eaten something offensive to the predator and have loaded.

Alternatively, anting could make the insects edible by removing the distasteful acid, or, possibly supplement the bird's own preen oil.

the eggfly mimics the danainid's markings, thus adopting the latter's distasteful reputation to predators without being poisonous itself.


skanky; offensive; repellent; repellant; loathsome; revolting; disgusting; wicked; repelling; yucky; foul; disgustful; loathly;


fragrant; unstuff; free; unclog; inoffensive;

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