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distortive Meaning in Bengali


বিকৃতমুতিতা, নড়ন,

distortive শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নৃত্যের মৌলিক উপাদানগুলি হল: দেহ, নড়ন-চলন, স্থান, কাল, শক্তি ও সম্পর্ক ।

যদিও প্রতিটি চেষ্টীয় রোগের পরিণাম ভিন্ন, তবুও সামগ্রিকভাবে সবগুলিই নড়ন-চড়ন ও চলন সংশ্লিষ্ট উপসর্গ (মূলত পেশীর দুর্বলতা) সৃষ্টি করে ।

চিত্তাকর্ষক সুর,হাততালি এবং অনিয়মিত দৈহিক নড়ন সোল সংগীতের অন্যতম বৈশিষ্ট্য ।

রন্ধ্রপথটি গাঠনিকভাবে সাধারণ পত্ররন্ধ্রের মতোই, কিন্তু আকারে কিছুটা বড় এবং নড়ন অক্ষম ।

প্রাণীদেহের বিশেষ এক ধরনের নরম কিন্তু স্থিতিস্থাপক কলা যার উদ্দেশ্য প্রাণীর নড়ন, চলন ও বলপ্রয়োগে সহায়তা করা ।

থে‌কে (যা অ্যাল‌গো‌রিদ‌মিক তথ্য তত্তের সা‌থে কাছাকা‌ছি সম্পর্কযুক্ত) আর নড়ন-হার তত্ত থে‌কে এ‌সে‌ছে হ্রাসমূলক সং‌কোচন ।

distortive's Usage Examples:

transformations dominated by lattice-distortive strains and those where shuffles are of greater importance.

Homogeneous lattice-distortive strains, also known as Bain.

The dead weight costs resulting from distortive changes in connection with 1-3.

PrimPol is able to bypass the highly distortive Pyrimidine dimers produced as a result of UV irradiation of DNA in vitro.

php Occasional parliamentary majorities can have serious distortive effects on the legislation, such as ignoring warnings of qualified organs.

tendentious interpretations of the data preserved about his existence; such distortive reading has been especially pronounced in the many works of biographers.

I was inspired to design a face that looked as if it had suffered the distortive ravages of photomechanical reproduction.

" A nearly hour-long speech on the House floor, in retaliation for distortive comments made by James A.

She points out the ways in which gossip is distortive and leads to misunderstanding and even violence.

goal of which was to determine whether the pitch difference is truly distortive or linear, the results of which indicated that there is no clear relationship.

from 18% to 22% of federal tax revenues), the tax pressure and the most distortive taxes to production activity (ingresos brutos) were reduced, and the share.

economy as a whole such as by establishing contributions that were less distortive to labour markets and allowing the savings generated by pension funds.

and that the early promotion of the film included an ethnocentric and distortive description of the Kazakh eagle hunting culture as being one of "ingrained.

"Dallapiccola doublebill gets distortive production".

It also expressly reserves the regulation of distortive or harmful subsidies to the UK Government, and gives them spending powers.

direct root "was not abuse of power, or pedophilia, or clericalism, or the distortive psychological effects of celibacy and institutional homophobia, but gayness.

accounts who adopted the strategy at the previous peak is unfair and distortive.

implementing a border-adjustment tax It would "raise revenue in the least distortive manner in order to lower overall rates for U.

pay, easy to calculate, inexpensive to administer, equitable and non-distortive, and not inhibit growth.

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