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disturbance Meaning in Bengali



তোলপাড়, গোল, গোলমাল, বিক্ষোভ, দাঙ্গাহাঙ্গামার অবস্থা, শান্তিভঙ্গের অবস্থা, ঝঁঝাট, উপদ্রব, বাধা, উত্তেজনা, বিশৃঙ্খলা, ঝামেলা,

disturbance শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সকালবেলা দশটার কাছাকাছি উজানে গুণ টানা নিয়ত বাধা ডিঙিয়ে কাজ করা উজানের কই সহজলভ্য বস্তু উটকো ঝামেলা বাজে ঝামেলা উটকো লোক অচেনা, অজানা, বিশ্বাসের অযোগ্য ব্যক্তি ।

disturbance's Usage Examples:

tropical cyclone is defined to be a warm cored, non-frontal synoptic disturbance, that develops over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized atmospheric.

shading, disturbance, succession, and the types of species present.

Ecosystems are dynamic entities—they are subject to periodic disturbances and are in.

In ecology, a disturbance is a temporary change in environmental conditions that causes a pronounced change in an ecosystem.

Civil disorder, also known as civil disturbance or civil unrest, is an activity arising from a mass act of civil disobedience (such as a demonstration.

temporarily as the result of a disturbance, such as fire.

A stable state may be maintained by regular natural disturbance such as fire or browsing.

to distinct, sometimes overlapping areas: light pollution and spatial disturbance.

The error (or disturbance) of an observed value is the deviation of the observed value from the.

Management of sleep disturbances that are secondary to mental, medical, or substance abuse disorders should.

community undergoes more or less orderly and predictable changes following a disturbance or the initial colonization of a new habitat.

Ecocline Ecotone Ecotype Disturbance Edge effects Foster's rule Habitat fragmentation Ideal free distribution Intermediate disturbance hypothesis Insular biogeography.

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) suggests that local species diversity is maximized when ecological disturbance is neither too rare nor too.

outcomes of these disturbances can vastly differ depending on the implicated electrolyte.

The most serious electrolyte disturbances involve abnormalities.

forest – is a forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance and thereby exhibits unique ecological features and might be classified.

through an assault, affray, riot, unlawful assembly, or some other form of disturbance".

not refreshed before they lose too much charge, disturbance errors occur.

Tests show that a disturbance error may be observed after performing around 139.


hassle; magnetic storm; fuss; perturbation; trouble; bother; activity;


exciting; unexciting; sorrow; calmness; inactivity;

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