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ditto mark Meaning in Bengali


পূর্বোক্ত মার্ক,

ditto mark's Usage Examples:

The ditto mark is a sign indicating that the words or figures above it are to be repeated.

the right-hand guillemet, », called a guillemet itératif, is used as a ditto mark.

tabulated table or list, vertical repetition can be represented by a ditto mark (〃).

double quotation mark are similar to – and sometimes stand in for – the ditto mark and the double prime symbol.

missionaries especially Basel Mission in Malayalam language for denoting ditto mark.

⟨⠲⟩ is different from the decimal point ⟨⠨⟩, and the apostrophe ⟨⠄⟩ and ditto mark ⟨⠐⠂⟩ are distinct from the single and double quotation marks.

Kumooka's paper also calls it an akahon The title uses the Japanese ditto mark "ゝ".

„ (Symbol „ means The ditto mark ( „ ) is a typographic symbol indicating that the word(s) or figure(s).

that the preceding kanji is to be repeated, functioning similarly to a ditto mark in English.


differentiate; distinguish; characterise; characterize; qualify;


deconcentrate; empty; dehumanize; deoxidise; occidentalize;

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