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dived Meaning in Bengali

 জলে ঝাঁপ দেত্তয়া, জলে ডুব দেত্তয়া, ডুব দেত্তয়া, ঝাঁপ দেত্তয়া, ঝম্প দেত্তয়া, ডোবা,


ছোঁ, ঝম্প, ঝাঁপ, ডুব,


ডোবা, ঝম্প দেত্তয়া, ঝাঁপ দেত্তয়া, ডুব দেত্তয়া, জলে ডুব দেত্তয়া, জলে ঝাঁপ দেত্তয়া,

dived শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হাত জাল (অপর নাম বেলচা জাল বা ডুব জাল) একটি হাতলযুক্ত খোলা জাল বা জালের ঝুড়ি ।

হোটেলটি মুক্ত ঝাঁপ এবং ।

উপকূলের কাছে অবস্থিত প্রবাল প্রাচীর ডুব সাঁতার ও স্কুবা ঝাঁপ দেয়ার উপযোগী ।

স্রোতের অনুকূলে ডুব দিয়ে ডুব দিয়ে চলে গেলেন নিরাপদ স্থানে ।

তারপর সেফটি ফিউজ অন করে ঝাঁপ দিলেন নদীতে ।

গভীরতার ঝাঁপ দেওয়ার মঞ্চ রয়েছে ।

dived's Usage Examples:

The rising of Leck Beck Head SD660 800 was dived extensively in the 1980s and required underwater digging and the use of.

Hawaiian, punaluʻu means "coral dived for", or in the case of the fishpond once located here, possibly "spring dived for".

with a softly-chipped ball up the middle of the goal as the goalkeeper dived away; a style of penalty now known as a panenka.

German goalkeeper Sepp Maier dived to his left, while Panenka chipped the ball straight in the middle of the.

overcome by carbon monoxide fumes in the cockpit, and the aeroplane then dived almost vertically into the ground and exploded at the foot of St George's.

U-223, U-231, U-621, and U-634 dived as Oribi approached.

Oribi dropped 14 depth charges after the U-boats dived.

no writer since Melville has dived so deeply and fearlessly into this collective American dream as Coover has.

Deciding on whether a player has dived is often very subjective, and one of the most controversial aspects of football.

September 1917, whilst on patrol, he dived on two Aviatiks and three Albatross scouts, followed by his flight.

He dived several times and picked out one enemy.

December 1916, K3, with the future King George VI aboard, uncontrollably dived.

by Allied ground forces: without losing any planes, the group repeatedly dived through barrages of antiaircraft fire to bomb vital airfields east of the.

passing jogger, John Greene, who happened to be a lifelong Tigers supporter, dived into the muddy river and pulled Crowe to safety with the help of other passers-by.

The 6-pounder also hit the submarine, but it then dived, and the 12-pounders second shot missed.

when, as a pilot of a seaplane 21 August 1918, off the coast of Italy, he dived down and landed next to a downed fellow pilot, brought him aboard, and although.

In the morning of 26 April, she dived to avoid drifting mines; one of them hit but did not explode.

The King's diary records that boatmen dived into the water, pulled the queen and her daughter from the entangling curtains.

of scientists staged an expedition to the wreck of the RMS Titanic, and dived in Russian deep-submersibles to obtain more detailed images than anyone.

As the submarine dived the captain was hit with shrapnel and had to be dragged in; the hatch stuck.

players dived for the ball in a desperate scramble in front of the interchange bench.

As Biglands dived forward, his teammate Nathan Van Berlo dived heavily.

its first stopover in Patna, the Boeing 737-2A8 operating the route nose-dived and crashed into a residential area in Patna, killing 60 people including.


plunge; fall; nosedive; descend; duck; jump; chute; power-dive; go down; plunk; parachute; come down; dump; crash-dive;


refrain; confront; diving duck; ascend; rise;

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