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dodecagon Meaning in Bengali


একটি বারো একতরফা বহুভুজ



dodecagon শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মূর্তিতত্ত্ব-সংক্রান্ত গ্রন্থগুলিতে দ্বাদশভূজ বৈকুণ্ঠ বিগ্রহকে "অনন্ত" নামে একটি পৃথক শ্রেণিভুক্ত করা হয়েছে ।

তিনি দ্বাদশভূজ

ব্রহ্মার বিগ্রহ মন্দিরে দেবতার পদচিহ্ন মন্দির-ভাস্কর্যে নর্তকী মন্দিরে দ্বাদশভূজ বিষ্ণুর মূর্তি মন্দিরে পূজিত একটি জৈন মূর্তি মন্দিরের ভগ্নাংশ (সম্ভবত ।

নবভুজ জ্যামিতিক ক্ষেত্র দশভুজ একাদশ বাহু ও কোণ সমন্বিত ক্ষেত্র বা তল দ্বাদশভূজ Tridecagon Tetradecagon Schläfli {৯} {১০} {১১} {১২} {১৩} {১৪} চিত্র নাম ।

এক্তেশ্বর মন্দিরে ব্রহ্মার মূর্তি এক্তেশ্বর মন্দিরে পদচিহ্ন নর্তকীর মূর্তি দ্বাদশভূজ বিষ্ণুমূর্তি O’Malley, L.S.S., ICS, Bankura, Bengal District Gazetteers ।

dodecagon's Usage Examples:

In geometry, a dodecagon or 12-gon is any twelve-sided polygon.

A regular dodecagon is a figure with sides of the same length and internal angles of the.

A regular dodecagram has the same vertex arrangement as a regular dodecagon, which may be regarded as {12/1}.

skew polygons Skew square Skew hexagon Skew octagon Skew decagon Skew dodecagon {2}#{ } {3}#{ } {4}#{ } {5}#{ } {5/2}#{ } {5/3}#{ } {6}#{ } s{2,4} s{2.

There are one square, one dodecagon, and one hexakaidecagon on each vertex.

represented by Schläfli symbol {24} and can also be constructed as a truncated dodecagon, t{12}, or a twice-truncated hexagon, tt{6}, or thrice-truncated triangle.

There are one square, one decagon, and one dodecagon on each vertex.

There are one square, one octagon, and one dodecagon on each vertex.

A dodecagonal number is a figurate number that represents a dodecagon.

The dodecagonal number for n is given by the formula 5 n 2 − 4 n ; n > 0 {\displaystyle.

pentagon, dodecagon.

in an infinite set of prisms, formed by square sides and two regular dodecagon caps.

There are one square, one hexagon, and one dodecagon on each vertex.

t{48}, or a twice-truncated icositetragon, tt{24}, or a thrice-truncated dodecagon, ttt{12}, or a fourfold-truncated hexagon, tttt{6}, or a fivefold-truncated.

In the center of the courtyard, a dodecagon-shaped sadirvan spends water for ritual washing wudu.

The largest tower, which contains the helical lift hill, is a dodecagon, 25 feet (7.

constructed as a truncated icositetragon, t{24}, or a twice-truncated dodecagon, tt{12}, or a thrice-truncated hexagon, ttt{6}, or a fourfold-truncated.

then multiply this by three, to yield the area of a dodecagon; if we cut a hexagon into a dodecagon, multiply its side by its radius, then again multiply.

thirteenth sub-projects represented graphically by a logo, a ring-shape dodecagon.

The Couser Barn is a dodecagon-shaped round barn in Cedar County, Nebraska.

dodecagon's Meaning':

a twelve-sided polygon


polygonal shape; polygon;


concave polygon; convex polygon;

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